Vol 16, No 2 (2019)


The concept of the notion “pupil’s success in the process of sports training”

Voronin A.D.


The article analyzes the concepts of “success” and “professional success”, “success of sports activities”, “student’s success” which are studied in the framework of various theories: psychology, philosophy, theory of activity, pedagogy. In addition, the authors identified the fundamental approaches of organization of the training process of the student during his sports preparation for the formation of his success: self-centered, self-activity, anthropological, and also made their analysis and provided a description of each approach separately. In addition, based on studies of the concept of "success" from the point of view of various theories, the authors put forward the assumption that this concept is multifaceted. Furthermore, in this paper suggests that the problem of student’s success and ways of its formation in the sport training process is a very important social and psycho-pedagogical task in the field of amateur and professional sports. In addition, this article highlights the main components, revealing the concept of "success of the student in the process of sports training" in order to further build the model of formation of the success of students in sports activities: physiological, psychological, moral, technical and tactical, cognitive. At first the necessary condition here is the conceptual refinement of the concept of “success of the student in the process of sports training", which the author of the article suggests, based on an analysis of the above theories and empirical experience obtained during coaching and competitive activities. Due to the specification of the concept of "student’s success in the process of sports training", later on, based on this concept, the author plans to develop a number of pedagogical means of shaping the success of a student in the process of sport’s training.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):6-16
pages 6-16 views

Methodology of special competences formation of the teacher of a foreign language under the conditions of inclusive education

Gridneva N.A., Oparina K.S.


Internationalization is one of the most important challenges of modern higher education, the main goal of which is the formation of a professionally-balanced personality.One of the main requirements for the successful entry of the Russian Federation (RF) into the educational space is the education of persons with disabilities. However, it is necessary to note the fact that this particular area is a lacunae in higher education. The most effective solution to the problem of training people with disabilities is inclusion, defined according to regulatory documents as the creation of all necessary conditions for students with special educational needs.Inclusion is carried out regarding the regulatory, financial, educational, methodological and psychological-pedagogical aspects. The latter aspect implies that the teacher has special competences to provide the necessary assistance for students with disabilities. However, today not all teachers have formed competences.The aim of the research is to assess the effectiveness of refresher courses (special competences) as a way of forming special competences for university teachers for psychological and pedagogical support of students with disabilities. In this study, we used a quantitative method and a survey of teachers of the department of linguistics, intercultural communication and Russian as a foreign at Samara State Technical University. After the entrance testing, the teachers had professional training courses, at the end of which we conducted the final control research. According to the results the students of the courses demonstrate higher degree of special competences development.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):17-29
pages 17-29 views

The efficiency of using the technology of “edutainment” in teaching foreign languages

Ermakova J.D., Nosova T.M.


Modern tendencies to general digitalization in all spheres of life in our society create objective preconditions to pay teachers’attention to the new approach, constructing the educational process which has arisen recently - edutainment (from Eng. “education” and “entertainment”). The peculiarity of edutainment technology is in introduction modern forms of entertainment in the system of traditional lectures, lessons, classes, seminars and master classes, as without television programs, desktop, computer and video games, movies, music, websites, multimedia programs it is difficult to imagine the daily reality of any student. The rapidly developing innovative developments in the field of technology within last ten years gave teachers and students the opportunity to widely use all kinds ofmultimedia resources for the most effective learning of a foreign language, providing immersion in the "real" language environment. Edutainment offers resources that can be used in almost any field of teaching, and in learning a foreign language, probably even more efficiently than anywhere else. In addition to the obvious advantages of using the technology of edutainment, this article examines the effectiveness of using this kind of multimedia forstudents’ professional language skills development in comparison with traditional methods. The results of the experimental part confirmed the feasibility of using interactive resources as components of edutainment, combining them with proven classical, academic approaches to teaching foreign languages, as well as a number of shortcomings that were identified, on the basis of which warnings were formulated regarding the use of the edutainment approach to higher education in general and foreign language teaching in particular.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):30-45
pages 30-45 views

Designing of additional professional programs for academic teaching staff of higher education organizations

Igumnova O.V.


The idea of lifelong education is realized not only in the form of theoretical concepts, but it is put into practice of the personnel’s training as well. The need for constant professional development is fixed at the legislative level and stated in professional standards for all sectors of activity. Under the current legislation the academic teaching staff of any higher education organization must take advanced training courses at least once every 3 years. Thus, the problem of designing additional professional programs - advanced training programs for the academic teaching staff of higher education organization is relevant. Empirical and theoretical research methods, as well as an analysis of our own program development experience, made it possible to make generalizations about the program design stages, which are presented in this article. The design stages contain the baseline comment on the essence of the developer’s actions and a rough result of the design of the program, both at a separate stage and for the program as a whole. Using the ongoing additional professional program as an example, some substantive units that can be considered as the universal ones conforming to professional standards of the academic teaching staff activities are highlighted. The author points out that all program units should have meaningful interdependencies and in this case they can be typified as a kind of educational case, within which both traditional and innovative teaching methods are applied. A non-standard approach to evaluating the students that participate in advanced training courses is the organization of the end-of-course assessment. It represents the project review that helps the student to demonstrate his improved competences. The proposed stages of designing an additional professional program and organizing work with students contribute to the development of the system of postgraduate education and have practical significance for all educational organizations that develop their own advanced training programs for the personnel.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):46-61
pages 46-61 views

Doctoral education in the UK (Brunel University experience)

Kalganova T., Valeeva E.E., Ziyatdinova Y.N., Obukhova I.G.


The past decade has seen a number of fundamental changes that have affected the Russian higher education and doctoral education in particular. Currently, there is a large number of problems related to the content and structure of doctoral degree programs. The analysis and study of the UK experience in organizing doctoral education programs can be used to solve some of these problems. Brunel University is one of the most prominent UK universities with strong academic traditions aimed at training highly qualified researchers. The article describes the main types and contents of doctoral degree programs, supervision principles, educational and research activities of a PhD student and the procedures for the viva process at Brunel University. Through analyzing the Brunel University experience, the authors summarize the factors that contribute to the leading position of the university in the UK and EHEA and provide close links between industry, doctoral education and research.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):62-79
pages 62-79 views

Area of institute’s activities for students’ orientation on agricultural industry professions

Kondaurova I.G., Filipovich L.A.


Urgency of the article was due to the fact that within a market economy, socio- economy situation in country is changing, and thus labor-market is changing to, this is why it’s necessary to pay more attention to organization of targeted vocational guidance work in all stages of education process, starting from school education and ending with alumnus of vocational training institution. Vocational guidance is considered as complex of educational and learning impacts on personality; allow self-dependence for choosing of profession; allow realizing ability and inclination of personality. Modern conditions are required from agricultural institutes establishing new policy in agricultural sphere. Now we have a task for establishing for all institutions union spatial strategy in professional agricultural education; objectivation of adjustment mechanism of educational institution for new social and demographic situation that is emerging in the region especially in Kemerovo region. In the article were analyzed different ways and forms of events organization, developed by Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute, which are directed to make students chose agricultural industry profession. By analyzing institution activity in given field, conclusion was made, that it is necessary to improve vocational guidance work in institutes by using new methods and forms of work, which are actual for modern requests of schools and secondary-vocational educational institution and can exactly perform coordination function in vocational guidance work, to provide, self-dependence, realization of profession choice and continuity for given process.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):80-92
pages 80-92 views

Comparative analysis of the content and specifications of the state educational standard and federal state educational standards for decorative and applied creativity

Kunyaevа E.O.


The relevance of the topic under study is caused by changes in the sphere of legal regulation of higher education, which require deep thinking from all participants in the educational process. The article analyzes the state educational standards and federal state educational standards in the direction of the preparation “Folk Art Culture”. The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of the content, as well as the specifics of state educational standards and federal state educational standards; analysis of changes in the requirements of state educational standards and federal state educational standards of higher education for the training of professionals in the field of decorative and applied arts. The main approaches to the study of the problem are: a systematic approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, communication, theoretical, comparative analysis. The results of the article: a comparative analysis of the specifics of state educational standards and federal state educational standards in the field of arts and crafts is presented. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the fact that the results obtained can serve as a basis for new scientific ideas about modern requirements that apply to the professional training of students enrolled in the field of “Folk Artistic Culture”. The practical significance of the study consists in focusing its results on improving the readiness for professional activity of students in the direction of “Folk Art Culture”, taking into account the dynamics of the development of modern legislation and the sphere of decorative and applied arts in general. The article is of great interest for teachers of vocational training, graduate students and undergraduates.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):93-104
pages 93-104 views

Educational potential of “Foreign Language” course to develop soft skills of technical students

Menshenina S.G., Labzina P.G.


Currently the relevance of the development of students’ universal competencies (soft skills) along with the formation of their professional (hard skills) skills is determined by employers’ requirements, rapidly changing labor market and terms of professional activity. The article deals with the students of technical majors soft skills developmentin course foreign language instruction. The authors analyze the essence and the concept of soft skills in frames of foreign language university training. The authors highlight that soft skills development occurs through focused and purposeful work on critical, system and analytical thinking skills. A special course of the discipline "Foreign Language" is designed by the authors. The preliminary results of the experimental work demonstrate that positive dynamics of skills development has been observed.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):105-118
pages 105-118 views

Competition of research and creative works as a form of self-realization of students

Moskvina A.V., Kochemasova L.A.


At the present stage of development of science, there is a need to develop theoretical and methodological grounds for intensifying the competition of research and creative works as a form of self-realization of students, defining ways of multipurpose involvement of students in research activities taking into account social realities that actualize the disclosure of ways to optimize and creative possibilities of a student in the professional and cognitive development and transformation of the surrounding world (with the updated azovatelnyh guidelines (research component in training, education entities active involvement in research activity).The article from the perspective of modern pedagogical science actualizes the possibility of competition as a form of self-realization of research activities of students of educational institutions of higher education (undergraduate level) in a modern university; analyzed the concept of "competition", which is investigated in modern edu cational theory; analyzes the direction and effectiveness of the competition organized in the space of the university;modern approaches to the content and organization of research activities of students of a pedagogical university in the context of the humanistic potential of the creative heritage of the teacher-researcher V.A. Sukhomlinsky. The positions of the creative heritage of the pedagogical thought of V.A. Sukhomlinsky in relation to the modern reading of their students.The practical significance of the research problem is confirmed by the fact that the developed conclusions can be used by scientific and pedagogical workers of the multilevel education system in determining areas and mechanisms that optimize the process of scientific and educational activities of bachelors in accordance with the requirements of the GEF for the purposeful mastery of the competence of scientific research in the context of optimal implementation of scientific strategies for learning, mastering the basic competences of scientific research are treacherous activities.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):119-133
pages 119-133 views

Advantages of using interactive board at the classes of Higher Mathematics in technical university

Pavlova I.N., Yevdokimov M.A.


Today the discrepancy between the amount of knowledge that a learner should get according to the program and the time available for this encourages professors to look for productive ways of educational process organization that would help to avoid a decline in the quality of teaching as a whole and increase the degree of information perception in particular as well as contribute to students’ cognitive and creative activity development. Taking into account the global informatization of modern society, especially the fact that usage of information and computer technologies for modern people is not only a part of their everyday life but it also captures many spheres of life of the whole society including the sphere of education, it makes impossible imagining of effective academic activity methods without information technologies active introduction. In conditions of ubiquitous informatization of education the use of modern information technologies in the training process including the use of such a modern computer platform as an interactive board helps to achieve these goals. Application of this innovation device during higher mathematics lessons gives opportunity to improve the process of the subject studying, makes it more intensive, dynamic, informational and graphical and as a result it makes the lessons more efficient. This article describes and justifies the advantages of using of the didactic and technical capabilities of interactive board at the classes of higher mathematics in technical university in comparison with traditional academic discipline teaching.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):134-144
pages 134-144 views

The role of visualization in learning a foreign language

Revina E.V.


In the article, the necessity to introduce visual aids to improve the effectiveness of the learning process is actualized. It is noted that the correct use of visualization is a means of gaining knowledge and makes it easier to remember the material. A number of modern methods of teaching a foreign language are distinguished and a description of possibilities of various visual aids is given in detail. The authors come to the conclusion that it is expedient to use visualization in the educational process, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by the growing cognitive activity of students, the possibility of individualizing the learning process, raising the level of positive motivation of future specialists.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):145-154
pages 145-154 views

Presentation as a way of translation skills developing

Sejtkazy P.B., Kuregyan A.L., Pertsevaya E.A.


Currently, teaching almost every subject is accompanied by the creation of slide presentations, which are considered to be one of the most convenient and intuitive ways to process information. Moreover, this type of activity is also a way of the vocabulary drilling and a form of control of the topic studied in class, thus replacing monological speech on the material involved.The article presents the algorithm of working with the presentation as a way of translation skills formation of students studying at the Institute of Facultative Education of Samara State Technical University. This algorithm was derived from the analysis of presentations done by the students. The paper also provides recommendations for the effective presentations preparation in a foreign language. Such classes proved to be very effective: students do not have any difficulties with the presentation format, as it is discussed and worked out in advance; there is an idea of the most common mistakes in the presenting the information that should be avoided in their own speech, in addition, the audience is provided with a template that contains all the basic elements of the successful presentation. As a result, the students’ presentations are done at an extremely high level, which is one of the aspects of good preparation for the presentation in the final year of their studying.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):155-163
pages 155-163 views

The change in the level of responsibility in the rehabilitation process of persons suffering from drug addiction

Serezhko T.A., Volobueva N.M.


The study is devoted to the study of changes in the level of responsibility in the process of rehabilitation of people suffering from drug addiction. As research methods used: bibliographic review of foreign and domestic psychological literature, testing, quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical data. The study was conducted in three stages, which were based on the allocation of the system of organizational and methodological tools and research principles.At the first stage, it was found that drug addicts who are beginning rehabilitation have low rates of responsibility. This is especially true in such areas of life as: the scope of failures in activities, the sphere of family relations, the sphere of interpersonal relations, health, which is primarily due to a lack of understanding of the meaning of responsibility and its role in human life and their own. Drug addicts can not cope with the negative emotions that arise at a time when the activity or situation is quite complex.At the second stage, the author monitored the course of the rehabilitation process and participated in its psychological support. Individual consultations, psychological trainings and group psychotherapy were included in a single process of rehabilitation of drug addicts, which we observed and analyzed for six months.At the third stage, respondents were examined after rehabilitation and found that they have acquired the ability to self-reliance and responsible performance of tasks and assignments.Comparison of the results of the study of responsibility before and after rehabilitation shows that in the process of rehabilitation there are changes in the responsibility of drug addicts. It is revealed that after rehabilitation the respondents significantly changed (increased) indicators of responsibility, which has a positive impact on the formation of attitudes to health in the context of dependent behavior.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):164-177
pages 164-177 views

Formation of military position in the valuable system of cadets

Sysolyatin M.V.


The article presents a brief theoretical review of existing scientific papers that address the problems of social and professional identity, value orientations, as well as studying the relationship of these psychological concepts in the context of the formation of social identity of an individual.It also presents the results of the conducted empirical research, in particular, a comparative analysis of the significance of values for cadets of higher military educational institutions at various stages of military-professional socialization, the dynamics of the integrated structure of their value orientations in each course are examined, and the dependence of military social identity on terminal and instrumental values. The sample of the study was 255 people, men, the average length of military service for 3.1 years.The cadets' value orientations were revealed using M. Rokich's “Value Orientations” questionnaire, the characteristics of military identity were determined using the average of four scales of military social identity from the identity questionnaire developed by us based on the questionnaire.The correlation and regression analysis, as well as the arithmetic average calculation of the values for each course, made it possible to identify the conformity of the officer’s ideas about the personality with the value orientations that are formed in the process of military-school education, the diachronic nature of the integration of the structure of value orientations at each of the military-professional stages socialization, as well as the formation of the internal value structure of the personality of the cadet as a future commander. The results obtained can be used by personnel agencies to prepare recommendations for the commanders of units on the formation of the value system of subordinates.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(2):178-196
pages 178-196 views

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