卷 16, 编号 1 (2019)


Combination of innovative technologies and historic heritage in spiritual and moral education of cadets

Barskaya O.


The article is aimed at formulating recommendations for the use of innovative forms of cadets’spiritual and moral education for the creative connection of historical content and modern technologies in the upbringing process of military educational institutions.For that purpose the objectives, novelty, methodological framework and methods of the research are indicated.The topicality of the issue under concern is proved on the basis of a survey conducted within the naval cadet community, and the analysis of the problem study extent in modern domestic and foreign science is carried out. Based on the modern scientific researches, the definitions to the terms of spirituality, spiritual and moral education and innovative pedagogical technology were given and the functions of using information-communicative technologies in the process of education were figured out. The most essential part of the paper is dedicated to the methodological recommendations towards virtual excursion and competition-project technologies application in the process of spiritual and moral education of naval cadets. The project, which suggests the combination of information technologies use and archive sources and printed materials containing local history facts study by cadets was worked out and the topics for the similar projects realization in the future were offered.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(1):6-19
pages 6-19 views

Methodology for developing curriculum for the graduate programs in the digital environment

Buntova E.


The article is devoted to one of the priorities of higher educational institutions, which is the Institute of magistracy. The purpose of the article is to consider the specifics of the methodology of creating a master's course in the conditions of digital economy formation in the Russian Federation. Adaptation of master's programs to professional activity enables the sphere of science and education to respond quickly to the needs of industry and economy, in addition, the Institute of master's degree determines the possibilities of higher education institution in the field of training of highly qualified specialists in interdisciplinary fields. The basis of the presented research concerning the technology of creating a master's program training course in the digital economy are the theory of knowledge and activity, the theory of social and social conditionality of education, modern didactic theories and learning technologies, the methodology of teaching and learning activities, the methodology of developing a training course using electronic and computer technologies. The criteria of the content of the training course of the master's program are defined. The forms of the transmitted knowledge are offered and their application in the conditions of digitalization in education is proved. From the point of view of the aspect of Informatization and transparency in the control system of assimilation of transmitted knowledge in the magistracy justified such forms of control as the system of testing and implementation of undergraduates research work. One of the mandatory conditions for the creation of a master's degree course is the use of digital simulators, not tied to one workplace and unlimited information resources in order to ensure the possibility of training at any time convenient for the student and, in order to create conditions for continuous individual designed education.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(1):20-36
pages 20-36 views

Information-didactic base of preparing university teachers for working-out and use of innovative pedagogical technologies

Diri M., Yusupova O., Mikhelkevich V.


This article discusses information-didactic base of preparing university teachers for working-out and use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the system of additional education. The high relevance of the problem of introducing innovative educational technologies into the educational process of universities is substantiated. The analytical review of Russian and foreign scientific publications and teaching aids on the issue has been made. In the world scientific literature direct studies on this topic have not been identified. According to the analysis, nowadays the law of Russian Federation supports projects ofworking-out, developing, and improvingof new technologies in the field of education for training new generation specialists.In this article the authors’ interpretation of the definition of university teachers “readiness” for working-out and use of innovative pedagogical technologies is given. That is defined as an integrative phenomenon consisting of several functional components. Informational and didactic base for training university teachers to develop and use innovative pedagogical technologists is worked out and presented. This information and didactic base provides a staged solution of local problems, that is, the formation of every readiness` component. Organizational forms of training university teachers for working-out and use of innovative pedagogical technologies in which this training may be implemented are proposed. The results of the study can be used by managers, methodologists and teachers in the system of university teachers` advanced training, as well as by teachers in the mode of self-study.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(1):37-48
pages 37-48 views

Results analysis of the regional research competition for secondary school students using information and communications technology

Kamaldinova Z., Kulikova N.


The article deals with specific issues relating to the implementation of one of the priority directions of state policy of Russia is to work with gifted young people. The highly structured system of activities helped identify and develop gifted young people in science, engineering and technology and innovation development of the Samara region and allowed to define tasks and directions of the contests of students research projects in the competition "Vzlet".The article analyzes the results of the regional research competition held for the past 3 years in the Samara region for gifted secondary school students. The key quantitative indicators which may lead to further qualitative analysis were presented, specifically, the total number of participants, the number of submitted projects in different research areas, project advisors, participating educational organizations, and winning projects. In addition, the rates of those who started the competition and those who successfully completed it were analyzed. The articles offers conclusions and discusses future directions for the competition.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(1):49-61
pages 49-61 views

Formation of research skills of future engineers in the process of studying material science

Kosareva N., Kuznetsova E.


The need to constantly improve the quality of training of engineers and insufficient attention to the problems of teaching technical subjects in universities determine the relevance of this study. Today, with the rapid development of technique and technology, research skills are necessary for each specialist. However, an engineer needs not only to possess common research methods but also to be able to competently conduct experiments using modern complex equipment and materials. The article considers the formation of research skills of future engineers on the example of teaching the academic discipline “Methods of research of micro- and nano-systems”. The authors formulated the objectives of the course and investigated the possibilities of developing research skills in lectures, practical classes and laboratory work. An example of the organization of the laboratory work “Preparation of micro-sections” is considered in detail. After performing the laboratory work the students’ survey was conducted. Students were asked to briefly describe in writing their impressions of the work done: what they learned, and what they liked (or did not like), what difficulties they had in doing the work. In their essays, students noted the need for this type of work and usefulness for the future profession and general development. Analysis of the survey results is consistent with the findings of foreign scientists, who note that modern research engineers have such qualities of thinking as creativity, consistency, optimism, cooperation, communication skills, and openness to the new, curiosity. This fact confirms the effectiveness of the developed teaching methods for growing the research skills of future engineers.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(1):62-74
pages 62-74 views

Management information system professional development of the student in the process of independent work

Krasnyansky M., Popov A., Obukhov A., Karpushkin S.


The article is devoted to solving the problem of improving the quality of higher education and enabling students to make maximum use of their intellectual and creative potential for professional development in the process of independent work.The analysis of the educational process organization is carried out and the problem moments of realization of the principles of individualization and developing training are revealed. The necessity of development of creativity as a key characteristic of a competitive specialist is substantiated, the main approaches to its definition and development are investigated. The mechanism of formation of creativity of students in the process of independent work has been developed in consideration of the works of D. B. Bogoyavlenskaya, and N. F. Vishnjakovoj, T. A. Barysheva.The research was based on the generalization and development in the context of digital professional education of the experience of organization of independent work and creative self-development of students of Tambov state technical University. The mathematical modeling of the process of management of professional development of students was carried out.According to the results of the study, the key indicators characterizing the current level of competence formation are formulated, and the conceptual provisions of individualization of training within the framework of organized independent work of students on the basis of the principles of developing training are developed. Formalization, mathematical modeling is carried out and methodology of design of adaptive information system of management of professional formation of the student in the course of independent work is proved. The task of optimization of sustainable work is set and several variants of the criterion of optimization are offered, allowing to provide the maximum satisfaction of both the employers ' society and the individual in obtaining high-quality competitive technical education.The developed approaches to the formalization of the processes of training organization and mathematical modeling of the process of professional formation, to the determination of the complexity of tasks and improvement of the current abilities of the student through the transition from the development zone to the zones of near and subsequent development are of significant theoretical and practical importance for improving the quality of the higher education system.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(1):75-92
pages 75-92 views

Pedagogical conditions of development of foreign language communicative competence of students

Morozova A.


The article deals with the theory and practice of the development of the foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic areas of training in the implementation of the current Federal state educational standard of higher education (bachelor's and master's levels), implemented in the educational process of educational organizations subordinated to the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation, in order to clarify the pedagogical conditions of the development of that competence. The educational and methodical pedagogical conditions presented by the author are aimed at the comprehensive development of foreign language communicative competence (to know, to be able, to own) of students, in accordance with the results of training (competencies) indicated in the analyzed Federal state educational standard of higher education. The question of the relevance of non-native language proficiency of students and graduates of non-language universities and their competitiveness in the modern domestic and foreign labor market is touched upon. This fact actualizes the development of the readiness of students studying in non-linguistic areas of training to use a foreign language for self-education in the course of training at the Institute and in subsequent professional activities.The tasks and content of the developed educational and methodical pedagogical conditions are considered. The question of the importance of the development of the content of education adequate to requirements of the current time on a subject "Foreign language" is brought up. The author specifies the actual methods of teaching that meet the requirements of the Federal state educational standard of higher education and competence approach: communicative, method of cases, method of projects, audio-linguistic, audiovisual, method of "Openwork saw", etc. Moreover, the requirements to the teaching staff working in the declared direction, for example: confident possession of the computer, the Internet, as well as distance learning technologies are given. The importance and structure of the funds of evaluation tools for the discipline aimed at identifying the real level of foreign language proficiency of students is explained. Evaluation funds allow the teacher to properly organize the educational process, and students to understand the requirements of the teacher.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(1):93-110
pages 93-110 views

The analysis of the "Theory of functions of the complex variable" test with attraction of models Russia and Birnbaum

Muratova L.


In work the analysis of the "Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable" test is carried out. A main objective - identification of possible shortcomings of dough and definition of ways of their elimination. As material results of the testing held at petrotechnological faculty of SAMGTU served. Research of dough was carried out by means of the modern theory of testing (IRT). Thus two models were used: Russia and two-parametrical model of Birnbaum. After transition to a uniform interval scale of logits the combined histograms of levels of knowledge and difficulty of tasks were constructed. According to model Russia characteristic curve dependences of probability of the correct answers on the level of knowledge at the fixed difficulty are received. For check of compliance of empirical data of model Russia schedules of all tasks of dough are submitted. The differentiating ability of a task was estimated by means of two-parametrical model of Birnbaum. Characteristic curves, the corresponding probabilities of the correct answers depending on the level of knowledge at the fixed difficulty are constructed and taking into account a task diskriminativnost. Information functions of tasks and all dough according to model Russia and two-parametrical model of Birnbaum are found. As a result it appeared that requirements imposed to qualitative dough such, as are fulfilled: the look close to normal for histograms of levels of knowledge and difficulty of tasks, and also a certain type of information functions. Besides more than a half of tasks have admissible values of coefficients of a diskriminativnost. As for other tasks, the carried-out analysis showed what need to be overworked what to remove and what tasks should be added to achieve more uniform distribution them on difficulty. The offered transformations of dough will allow to make it more adapted tool for measurement of knowledge.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(1):111-126
pages 111-126 views

The correlation between type of planning action and a style of features thinking

Fedekin I.


The article discusses the issue of the individual characteristics of the development of theoretical thinking in the early adolescence. It introduces the idea of the relationship of formal-dynamic features of thinking and meaningful mental operations. As an indicator of the development of theoretical thinking is considered meaningful planning. The typology of planning action considered in the article is based on the distinction of positions encountered in educational activities.The study presents the results of a correlation analysis, on the basis of which a relationship is established between the types of planning actions (meaningful operation of theoretical thinking) and cognitive styles of field dependence-independence, lability- rigidity, concreteness-generality (formal-dynamic features of thinking).
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(1):127-138
pages 127-138 views

Work in small groups as an efficient means of development of communicative competence in the foreign language lessons

Shaikhutdinova K.


The relevance of the article is due to the search for effective methods of teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university. Work in small groups is currently not very widely accepted in the practice of teaching a foreign language both at school and at the university. However, it has enormous potential not only for developing communicative competences, but also for developing creativity and critical thinking, as well as developing teamwork skills, which is of great importance for future professional life of young specialists. The purpose of the article is to analyze pros and cons of work in small groups, justify the use of group work at a foreign language lesson as one of the effective methods, and also consider typical tasks applied in group work. The article substantiates the effectiveness of this method and offers specific types of tasks which can be used in work on different types of language activity: speaking, writing, listening, reading. The author gives examples of using such method of work in small groups in the framework of the discipline "Foreign Language" in an English class of first-year students, majoring in "Construction". The results of the work led to conclusions proving the effectiveness of using such a method, which made learning more effective, developed the creative activity of students and demonstrated an individual approach in teaching. The method of work in small groups is applicable at English lessons for other specialities too.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2019;16(1):139-165
pages 139-165 views
