Vol 17, No 1 (2020)


Activation of educational activities of schoolchildren under the development of mathematical methods of knowledge

Bekoeva M.I.


The paper is devoted to the problem of improving the teaching of mathematics in a comprehensive school, enhancing educational and cognitive activities based on mathematical methods of cognition, identifying the most effective teaching technologies that promote students to develop creative thinking, the ability to independently solve non-standard problems, and modeling complex mathematical objects. In connection with the introduction of innovations in the general education school, which posed fundamental questions to scientists and teachers about the specifics of teaching and educating schoolchildren, it became necessary to resolve the dialectic contradiction between the desirability of implementing a competencybased approach based on methods and techniques of scientific knowledge, mathematical logic, and a system of algorithmic prescriptions providing creative activities for students and still practicing the deductive nature of traditional methods dove teaching mathematics. The paper focuses on the fact that in order to enhance the creative educational and cognitive activity of students, it is important to constantly correlate the studied mathematical models with their real prototypes by abstracting and generalizing the phenomena of the real world, substantive and methodological connection of theoretical conclusions with practical work. The methods and approaches proposed in the paper for teaching students how to solve problems and equations together form the methodological field of various teaching methods and techniques in new, more flexible combinations and in non-standard contexts for the general course of mathematics. The creative development of the richest opportunities, characteristic for the practice of the work of the best teachers, should be the property of all teachers of mathematics, should be reflected in innovative approaches to teaching mathematics, the formation of logical thinking among schoolchildren.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):6-19
pages 6-19 views

Main qualities of test in language testing and assessment terminology systems in English, Russian and Spanish languages

Bondareva E.V., Polshina Y.A., Sorokina V.A.


The existing demand for developing and unifying the terminology of language and assessment is precipitated both by the overall public interest in learning foreign languages, requiring a standardized system of evaluating the learning outcomes, and globalization and integration of educational institutions, as well as intensification of professional contacts among the experts of the field. English is one of the most popular foreign languages in the world, thus, many language testing terms are originally English as well, and later are borrowed by other languages. However, as it frequently happens with borrowings, modification and even distortion of the term meaning are expected, hindering the terminology standardization and even interfering with effective communication. This study is aimed at describing the changes in English terms of testing and assessment (namely, the ones referring to the properties of a test as a skill evaluation tool) after their transfer into Russian and Spanish. Translation and comparative analyses of seven English, Russian and Spanish terms, describing properties of a test, were used to reveal the discrepancies in their form and meaning. The study showed that original and borrowed terms display certain differences due to using various translation methods for their transition from the source language into a target one along with certain inconsistencies in their semantic structures and contextual usage. It is suggested that these discrepancies stem from insufficient knowledge of lan guage testing experts about the term meaning and usage, and such inconsistencies might complicate developing standardized tasks for language assessment. The issue deserves further indepth study.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):20-36
pages 20-36 views

Development of subjectivity of future teachers in the course of professional training

Gorynina V.S., Yusupov I.M.


The values of public life in the twenty first century have changed dramatically. For successful socialization, specialists need: critical thinking, readiness for changes, reasonableness of their dispositions, conscious decision making, and active management of the situation. Psychologists have designated this set of personal qualities as subjectivity. At all times, it has not lost its professional significance for teachers, and today compliance with the challenges of the era is becoming relevant for them. Subjectivity of future teachers trained in colleges and universities should be considered as an adaptive quality of personality that requires creativity of mind and behavior. Debates about the psychological content of subjectivity, its types, and determinants of formation and change have not clearly defined it as a theoretical category of scientific psychology. The purpose of the conducted empirical research is to identify the types of subjectivity of future teachers in educational activities. We studied the development of subjectivity of future teachers in the learning process. It was assumed that the dominant type of consciousness of the student determines the configuration of its subjectivity, which can be changed in the course of training. Subjectivity is presented as a psychological construct integrally describing the ability of a personality to voluntarily change oneself and the surrounding reality. The criteria distinguishing it from consciousness are value-meaning orientation and self-regulation, which are revealed in transformational activity. Subjectivity was researched in 314 students of pedagogical universities and technical schools during four years of their studies. The type of prevailing consciousness was diagnosed by the indicators «active» and «contemplative» and communicativeness - by the indicators «communicability» and «reflectivity». The results are presented as graphic profiles of subjectivity, which are classified into four types according to the dominating indicator: «philosopher», «organizer», «facilitator» and «teacher»; the types were further described. The psychological support of the students was performed with a view of increasing their subjectivity. This was achieved via trainings promoting consciousness, social activity, self-concept, and aspirations. The final diagnostics of the future teachers showed subjectivity increase by the above indicators: in the group of technical school students - from 17 to 32%, in the group of full-time university students - from 16 to 22 %, in the group of university students by correspondence - from 12 to 23 %.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):37-48
pages 37-48 views

Engineer’s ethics formation by teaching foreign language: sociocultural aspect

Gridneva N.A., Shvaikina N.S.


The article deals with the problem of engineer’s professional ethics formation by teaching foreign language (at a technical university). The authors show some considerable disadvantages of the predominant approach presupposing the basic ethical principles translation in isolation from sociocultural specificity of the target-language country and offer a way to make the sociocultural aspect actual. The authors give a suggestion, that the engineer’s professional ethics should be conceptualized and represented as a phenomenon with nationally determined sociocultural distinguishing features, e.g. firstly as a part of professional culture of engineering community in the target-language country and secondly as a part of this country’s nationwide sociocultural experience. The elaborated approach lets include the fostering an attitude of social responsibility into the cross-cultural dialog which the modern communicative language teaching underlies. So this is more aligned with the targeting logic of the discipline by itself and can be more effective for pursuing its main goal - the development of foreign-language communicative competence. The elaborated approach is, also, more aligned with the logic of the engineering ethics, which like any other applied ethics should base on empiric material, e.g. on other people’s experience. The elaborated approach was realized in the two 2018 published study guides for civil engineering students, where the experience of Germany (as a target-language country) is to be analyzed and comprehended.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):49-66
pages 49-66 views

Wooden alphabet sign language as a way to interact and teach children

Kaukina O.V., Lavrichenko G.A.


Today, inclusive education is being actively implemented in the process of teaching children with disabilities. One of the principles of inclusive education is the human right to communicate, the right to be unique, which reflect the ability to accelerate socialization through sign language. The paper deals with inclusive education in Europe and Russia. Definitions of inclusive education, sign language, and alphabet are given. A historical review of the education of children with hearing disabilities in different countries of Europe and Russia was conducted. This paper also highlights the results of studies in the field of inclusion, which were carried out by various scientific researchers and teachers. Based on the research of various scientists, the authors propose a model of the wooden sign alphabet as a visual didactic guide in the course of practical activities for better memorization of both the written and sign alphabet for children with disabilities. The goal of this project is to achieve a smooth transition from the study of sign language to the written alphabet.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):67-79
pages 67-79 views

Realization of Yanus Korchak ideas in the scientific works of students of pedagogical universities

Kochemasova L.A.


The author addresses the pedagogical heritage of the outstanding humanist educator of the twentieth century - Janusz Korczak. The article attempts to comprehend the basic conceptual ideas of Janusz Korczak from the perspective of modern requirements for the methodology of new education by attracting students to independent scientific creativity. The pedagogy of Janusz Korczak and its methodology are characterized in the context of the popularization and continuity of the ideas of humanism in1 Lyubov A. Kochemasova, Cand. Ped. Sci., Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Sociology Department.modern education. The article presents the priority areas of the competition for the implementation of the ideas of the humanist pedagogue about the self-worth of childhood, which determined the importance of the child’s right to respect, the special attention is paid to the set of rights of the child, ensuring its full development, allowing students to reveal the main provisions of the pedagogical concept and the modern context of pedagogy of Janusz Korczak. The positions of leading scientific researchers (R.A. Valeeva, I.D. Demakova, M. Kaminsk, A. Levin, I. Neverli, M. Mikhalak, etc.) are examined which develop the ideas of the teacher, analyze the problems of the theory and practice of education in the pedagogical concept of Janusz Korczak. The practical significance of the research lies in the direction of its results in improving the scientific creativity of students through the implementation of the ideas of Janusz Korczak in the international competition of research and creative works of students "In the world of wise thoughts of domestic and foreign scientists and teachers." The practical significance of the research lies in the direction of its results in enhancing students ’scientific creativity by implementing the pedagogical ideas of Janusz Korczak in the international competition of students’ research and creative works “In the world of wise thoughts of domestic and foreign academic teachers”. The presented research results can be used in higher educational institutions of Russia to solve the problems of increasing the research activities of students by reading the new pedagogical heritage of Janusz Korczak. The article will be interesting to students of educational institutions of higher education (undergraduate, graduate level), representatives of higher education, graduate students
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):80-95
pages 80-95 views

Musical abilities in professional activity of the specialist of the social and cultural sphere

Kurina V.A., Lukasheva S.S.


The article presents the authors' opinion on the problem of training future specialists in the socio-cultural sphere, the relevance of which is increased in connection with the new requirements for University graduates identified in the GEF IN 3++. The practice of the educational process on the example of training students of the direction of training 51.03.03 Socio-cultural activities of the two profiles "Management of socio-cultural activities" and "Socio-cultural animation and recreation". The review of the literature on the issue of graduates ' readiness for professional activity allowed the authors to formulate the main theoretical provisions and determine the importance of musical abilities of students - future specialists in the social and cultural sphere. Theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem under study, as well as experimental work confirmed the importance of musical training of students in the direction of Socio-cultural activities, the need for the formation of their musical abilities that are needed in the implementation of various projects, activities, programs, as socio-cultural developments, projects are impossible without musical accompaniment. The musical Outlook of the specialist of the social and cultural sphere promotes development of musical culture, increase of level of professional training of graduates. The study clarified the basic concepts of "professional activity", "profession", "musical abilities". The authors described the basic skills necessary for specialists in the socio-cultural sphere; disclosed qualification requirements, employers ' requests, as well as the requirements of the GEF IN 3++ related to professional skills and abilities of future specialists in the socio-cultural sphere. The authors paid special attention to the experiments and the results of the study; the data obtained in the course of the survey of students in the field of socio-cultural activities on the importance of musical abilities for their activities are presented.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):96-107
pages 96-107 views

Comparative characteristics of doctoral education at universities of Russia and Belarus

Kushaeva E.R., Kremneva E.G.


Doctoral education in Russia and post-Soviet countries aims at training researchers for different spheres of national economies, including science, education, and industry. The paper presents comparative characteristics of doctoral education in Russia and Belarus, using the examples of two universities, Kazan National Research Technological University and Polotsk State University. The paper compares the forms and contents of doctoral education, the problems faced, and prospects of cooperation between the universities. In conclusion, the authors summarize similarities and differences in doctoral education, and their influence on the overall results of training. The authors show prospects to improve doctoral education as a whole.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):108-121
pages 108-121 views

Conceptualization of the concept of "business" in the process of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university

Morozova A.L., Kostyukova T.A.


The problem of conceptualization of the lexeme "business" in the process of teaching a foreign language is considered on the example of MGIMO Odintsovo branch (Moscow region). Authors present a study of the conceptualization of the content of education in the process of learning foreign language by students of nonlinguistic training directions in the conditions of implementation of the current Federal state educational standard of higher education 3++ (bachelor's and master's levels) implemented in the educational process of educational institutions of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The methods of working with the concept are described and the algorithm of work is developed, which was successfully tested on the basis of the Institute. The materials of the proposed study, which were made by the national corpus of the English language, authentic textbooks and educational sites, are analyzed. These materials allow students to comprehensively and comprehensively study the concept of "business", and teachers to update the content of education. The communicative orientation of the process of learning a non native language contributes to a comprehensive analysis of this concept from the point of view of the native culture and the culture of the studied language. Proposed basic principles of designing of educational process of the subject: 1) study of the first semester of practice-oriented interpretation in order to fit the specifics of the concept; 2) dialogical process of practicebased communication in a second language in the study of the concept; 3) implementation of scientific-research work of students based on the application of the original literature. The developed algorithm involves the use of various forms of active work of students on the development of the concept: individual, pair and group. The algorithm includes three stages of work: construction of associograms, fixing the concept space and comparison. It is established that the proposed form of work with the concept is aimed not only at the development of educational motivation of students, but also to improve the level of foreign language proficiency of students and foreign language communicative competence.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):122-138
pages 122-138 views

Interactive methods of mathematics teaching in technical universities: the educational and upbrbringing aspects

Nikolaeva E.N., Egorova I.P.


The relevance of research aimed at identifying promising interactive methods of teaching mathematics to improve the effectiveness of the educational and upbringing process is proved. The need to systematize ideas about interactive methods of teaching mathematics that contribute to improving the quality of education and upbringing of students is determined. Both educational and upbringing resources of interactive teaching are shown, where education is possible through the purposeful formation of personal qualities due to the development of independent creative and critical thinking. It is noted that software products, information and communication technologies, interactive whiteboards, STEM classes, as components of interactive methods, should be used not only for information transfer, but also contribute to the process of accumulation and exchange of knowledge for the formation of the personality, creativity and abilities of the student. It is defined that the project methods, when the trainees interact to solve the set of tasks for a given period of time, individually or in groups, contribute to the development of internal motivation, independent thinking, selfesteem and social responsibility. At the same time, pedagogical efforts should be aimed at reducing interpersonal tension in the group in order to achieve synergistic effect from working in the team, as well as using the element of the game is necessary for the upbringing that contributes to increasing the confidence, motivation and effectiveness of students' education.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):139-151
pages 139-151 views

Essential nuances of translation English proper names in the process of learning a foreign language

Pertsevaya E.A.


The research is relevant because it is related to the practical aspects of teaching a foreign language to non-linguistic. The change of the words meaning is one of the most common problems, since it requires not only the understanding of the semantic meaning of the word in the mother tongue but the language studied. The English language seems difficult to learn precisely because its lexical units have some similarities with the words of the Russian language, and as the result, are translated incorrectly. Particular attention is paid to the problem of translating lexical units, especially, [roper names, which are found largely in translated scientific and technical texts, reflecting the latest trends in the research: articles, monographs, manuals. The purpose of the study is to provide students with ready-made and effective versions of the correct methods for translating proper names from English into Russian. To do this, the article highlights the most frequently and successfully used options. All lexical units of this group are divided into three subgroups: proper names (including existing names and surnames), geographical names and company names. The most effective version of the translation into Russian the meaning of these words is the following translation techniques: search for existing equivalents, transcription and transliteration. In real practice, combination of these techniques in the target language is required and its full equivalence with the text in the original language. The practical application of the research results is possible when teaching various aspects of the English language to students of various specialties.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):152-163
pages 152-163 views

Organization of creative activities of students: aims, methodology, outcomes

Trischenko D.A.


Creative activities of both students of Master’s and Bachelor’s degree programs refers increasingly to scientific creativeness although it is stated that training on Bachelor’s degree program is based on competence and practical-oriented approach carried out towards preparing professional workers required at the labor market rather than researchers. The government’s fostering actions promoting student creative contests are focused on identifying and supporting young talents primarily through all- Russian student Olympiads, which have recently been the most popular statesponsored form of competitions. Nevertheless, within the frames of the Russian educational system students’ creative contests are useful and productive not only to identify and support a limited amount of young talents but to improve the quality of training for much greater number of students. Therefore, the aim of this research is to substantiate that the forms of student creative contests would be more responsive to professional specifics of Bachelor training and perform an increasing range of functions: generating of enthusiasm for learning, developing competition skills and abilities to evaluate the competence level. Moreover, the governmental educational policies should be built upon previously established organizational forms of such contests. It is distinguished that the “Olympic movement” has definite drawbacks, which was evidently proved by the results of the Olympiad conducted for bachelor students of “Advertising and Public Relations” training area. Some all-Russian creative contests for students of media communications, design and adjacent specialties were briefly reviewed. The analysis of almost ten years of the author’s experience of creative activities organization of the students of “Advertising and Public Relations” training area studying at Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law allows to examine motivation, the forms of student association work, the outcomes of the student participation in various creative contests and to address such issues as the possibility of using contests’ outcomes as an assessment measure for a competence level. The author states the fairness of such evaluation approach. Additionally, the main and the supporting effects of the association’s activities are discovered and the basic methodological approaches to this form of student creativeness promotion are defined. The student creative association, which goal is to participate in all-Russian contests of professional skills is able to face a wide range of educational challenges. Furthermore, the logic of the practically-oriented approach suggests that the initiative in organization of creative contests should belong not to universities but to non-for-profit professional associations.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):164-179
pages 164-179 views

Coping behavior in diadic relations for partners with normative and disturbed development

Shipova N.S.


The study of the category of persons with impaired health is currently not sufficiently complete from a scientific point of view, but very significant from a social point of view. The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the coping behavior of individual and group subjects, namely dyads of partners of different health status: couples, including a partner with normative and impaired development; couples including both partners with developmental disabilities; couples consisting of normatively developing partners. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the system of coping efforts in the dyad of partners in close relationships. The presence of a disease in one or both partners in a dyad is understood by us as stress, moreover, chronic, since we consider the status of disability in adults. At the same time, stress has the characteristics of both external and internal. Following foreign scientists, we believe that the disease represents general stress and is accompanied by specific functions, since the focus is on the physical illness of one partner, which adds dynamics to dyadic stress and the process of overcoming. We made an attempt to systematize the situation of the joint efforts of partners in tandem with impaired health. An analysis was made of the severity of individual and dyadic coping strategies in pairs of different groups, and a picture was analyzed of the correlation of the studied parameters with aspects of the quality of life, adaptation and cohesion of dyads, as well as the presence of health problems. A regression analysis of the impact of disability status on the complex of indicators studied was carried out. Thus, the specificity of coping behavior in dyads with different health status of partners is highlighted.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2020;17(1):180-196
pages 180-196 views

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