Vol 15, No 2 (2018)


Competency approach to determine the content of VPO

Afanasyeva O.Y., Afanasyev Y.V.


The external, formal and internal content aspects of the modernization of educational activities in SamSTU have been analyzed. The external aspect is unfolded in the program of the development of a basic university. Modernization is reduced to a number of structural transformations and diversification of professional educational programs in order to ensure their competitiveness. The internal, psychological-pedagogical aspect in the program is practically not represented. In any educational process, situations arise which, in the theory of the planned formation of mental actions and concepts, are usually called "situations of a single and urgent action." When starting a new task for himself, the student must orient in it, that is, present the goal of the action, the initial data, the method and means necessary to convert the original data into the required product, the order of conversion, and ways to monitor its progress. But the orienting activity of the student due to objective and subjective reasons is not adequate to the new task. As a consequence, folding views are insufficient to properly solve the problem. A contradiction is formed: an adequate representation is necessary, but it is not. In our opinion, the required orientation should be laid down in lectures. But, often this does not happen. In addition, when starting a new task for himself, the student is forced to use the whole complex of psychological possibilities: to learn, to perceive, to present, to understand, etc. But due to the fact that the task is new, there is not enough available capacity and their operational transformation is required in connection with new circumstances.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2018;15(2):6-19
pages 6-19 views

Interview as a communicative approach in foreign language teaching (in secondary schools)

Bakanova I.G., Patrikeyeva K.A., Pyrkina N.A.


The article focuses on the forms and contents of an interview for secondary school learners of a foreign language. Special attention is given to the advantages of using an interview for developing learners’ communication skills. A system approach to defining the term "interview" brings us to the conclusion that there is a certain structure of interacting components. The presented classifications of types (organizational forms) of interviews make it possible for teachers to choose a specific type of an interview based both on the educational goals and objectives as well as on the process of conducting an interview. The content of foreign language teaching is based on an integrated approach and a didactic principle of learning in a language environment. The approach is targeted at studying a foreign language for practical purposes in a positive emotional environment. Therefore, an interview enables the trainees to carry out efficient interaction in a specific communicative situation as the learning process becomes a sample communication process. At the same time the article focuses on the fact that efficient interviewing at foreign language lessons in a secondary school depends on the careful preparation both by the teacher and students.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2018;15(2):20-36
pages 20-36 views

New trends in teaching foreign languages

Glukhov G.V., Yermakova Y.D., Kapustina L.V.


The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the introduction of new technologies in teaching foreign languages is one of the most important tools of the teacher, which help creating not only a memorable lesson, but also experience that will remain with students for a long time. The hypothesis of the study assumes that the use of target and project methods in teaching foreign languages is able to maximize the use of language resources for students, allowing them to diversify their own training. With the advent of information technology, the role of the teacher has changed significantly. This has resulted that the teacher has got new responsibilities, namely to show students how to use these devices to gain new language skills and experience, not just for leisure and enjoyable forwarding time. Students should be taught to use technology as a mean to achieve a goal, such as learning or improving a foreign language. The main problem of this article is related to the fact that, despite the available methods of teaching foreign languages, the level of forming students’ language competencies remains extremely low; the methods proposed by the authors help the teacher to create a unique experience of teaching foreign languages in almost every lesson, provided that he / she is aware of the possible options for their use and how to configure them in a specific educational situation of teaching; not all modern methods in teaching foreign languages serve the needs of the student.The results of the study showed that the target and project methods of teaching foreign languages are effective tools to improve the students’ level of language proficiency and can be used both separately and in conjunction with the traditional methods of teaching foreign languages by teachers, specialists in the field of pedagogy and methods of teaching foreign languages, students and others.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2018;15(2):37-51
pages 37-51 views

On the problems of modern engineers' training in the field of materials science: the methodological aspect

Kosareva N.V., Kuznetsova E.V.


In a modern high-tech society, engineering education requires constant attention, as it is an important resource for innovative development of the economy and ensuring national security. Analysis of trends and problems of engineering education, reflected in scientific publications of recent years, suggests that there is a lack of research devoted to the teaching of specific technical disciplines that form the foundation of the professional culture of young engineers. As a consequence, the topic of this article is relevant. Based on the analysis of educational standards, scientific and methodological literature, as a result of studying and generalizing pedagogical experience, the article defines the role and place of materials science in the structure of the training of a modern engineer. Problems are singled out, goals, means, methods, results and principles of teaching the discipline "Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Modern Materials" are formulated. An example of the use of active teaching methods in the teaching process is presented. The results obtained allow us to determine the directions for further improvement of the teaching of materials science and other technical disciplines to engineering students. And since in a technologically advanced society material science largely determines both the level of functioning and security of the state and the comfort of the everyday life of an individual, the problems of improving the training of specialists in this field may be of interest to a wide range of readers of the journal.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2018;15(2):52-64
pages 52-64 views

Forming the content of education with the account of the principle of science at the end of the ХІХ - the beginning of the XX century

Kuzyomа T.B.


The article is devoted to the study of various approaches to the content of education in higher educational institutions of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, taking into account the principle of scientific character. The purpose of the article is to consider the specifics of the formation of the content of education in the practice period of the institutes of the Russian Empire, taking into account the ways of implementing the principle of scientific character. The government’s policy towards universities was characterized, the main features of which were centralism and regulation. The main reasons for the regress of the content of higher education are defined: formalism, excessive centralization, lack of academic freedom. Detailed attention is paid to personnel problems and shortcomings in the structures of the universities of the Russian Empire. The ways of realization of the scientific principle in the practice of higher educational institutions of the period under investigation are detailed: comprehensive improvement of the content of education (careful selection of the content of scientific disciplines which are taught in the institutes, obligatory consideration of the logic of science itself and the logic of teaching, presentation of new facts according to scientific hypotheses and theories), organization of educational and cognitive work of students (the use of progressive methods of teaching aimed at developing scientific interest, the formation of skills of scientific knowledge), organization of research work of students (attraction to work in scientific circles, societies, scientific projects of higher education departments). New approaches to the formation of the content of education are considered. Changes in programs and curricula are marked: the introduction of subjects of a scientific and practical orientation, the restructuring of a set of disciplines, the expansion of a number of courses and the emergence of new disciplines, the opening of necessary departments, a new distribution of hours and subjects. The requirements for the content of textbooks are listed: consistency, scientific character, accessibility.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2018;15(2):65-79
pages 65-79 views

Implementation of the educational process in the course of contact extracurricular work with students

Morozova A.L.


The article presents a substantial analysis of the Federal state educational standards (undergraduate and graduate level), implemented in the educational process of educational organizations subordinated to the Federal penitentiary service, in order to clarify the directions of the educational process of students in the framework of contact extracurricular work. The presented directions of educational work with cadets of departmental educational organizations are aimed at the development of moral, mental, labor and civil-patriotic education of students in accordance with the results of training (competencies) identified in the analyzed FSES. The author views the question of universality of the specified directions of educational work with the studying departmental educational organizations in the declared directions of preparation and specialties. The main aspects of the implementation of the educational process in the course of contact extracurricular work with cadets of departmental educational organizations of the penitentiary service of Russia are studied here, including the example of the discipline "Foreign language" and work with extracurricular reading. The discipline "Foreign language" has an extensive educational potential due to: expansion of ideas of students about the possibilities of using a foreign language in the professional sphere; formation of General cultural competences of students, improvement of skills and abilities to use the received ideas and knowledge in direct and indirect professionally-oriented foreign language communication; formation of professional competence of students. The author touches upon the problem of using the concept in the educational process. In particular, the author analyzes the concept of "punishment". Also the author accumulated pedagogical experience of realization of the concept "punishment" educational potential during contact extracurricular work on discipline "Foreign language". Conceptualization of the concept "punishment" is achieved by communicative basis of contact extracurricular work and carrying out linguistic and cultural mini-research of the word form of punishment itself and drawing up its associative verbal network.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2018;15(2):80-99
pages 80-99 views

Formation of military-professional competencies with the use of problem-situational tasks

Porshneva E.G.


The article covers application of active educational methods at Military Training Faculty of a civil university, it being element of stepping-up of educational activity through simulation of real situations aimed to form professional military competence: ability to identify typical failures that occur in operation of diesel power plants; ability to eliminate failures. Active involvement of students into educational activities boosts quality of training at Military Department, for this reason problem situational tasks for technical military course «Construction, operating principle, operation and application of diesel power plants» have been developed to search for solutions in a specific practical situation that arise in diesel power station operation. While analyzing received task, students used real military equipment in practical trainings aimed at active development of professional military competence. Problem situational tasks contribute to deeper study of technical military subjects, development of abilities to solve problems, creative thinking, independent work and reflexive skills of students.In work an experiment was set up to verify hypothesis based on assumption that level of preparation of students at Military Department can be improved through development and implementation of technical military discipline based on integrated use of modern methods and means of education. Results were compared on the basis of Pearson’s statistical criterion  2 . Experiment results prompted conclusion on effectiveness of developed technical military discipline as in similar and even slightly worse initial conditions, students of experimental group trained in accordance with developed academic discipline with application of active methods and teaching aids, at course end show higher results compared to control group students, who were trained with traditional methods.Thus, study of disciplines of technical military education at Military Department of Aerospace Force of Military Training Faculty in a civil university with application of problem situational tasks is aimed at development of professional military competences and personal traits and achievement of main goal of training at Military Training Faculty - readiness of graduates for professional activity in accordance with competence requirements for relevant military occupational specialty.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2018;15(2):100-113
pages 100-113 views

Specific features of development of complex-structural model of formation of meaning of life personal strategies in conditions of the armed conflict

Ryadinskaya E.N.


Considered in the article are the features of the development of a complex structural model of the formation of meaning of life strategies of the individual in conditions of the armed conflict. The author reveals the content of the structural components of the individual's life strategies, identifies the mechanisms and levels of their formation. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of existing models of the formation of life strategies. The article traces the connection between the process of formation of life strategies with social adaptation and innovative activity of the individual. Based on the analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches, a complex structural model of the formation of meaning of life strategies of the personality in the conditions of the armed conflict in the southeast of Ukraine during the conflict and postconflict period was developed. The author proposes a general scheme of recovery areas, which presupposes activity in the political, socio-economic, socio-cultural and psychological areas, and the components of remedial work with civilians in conditions of the armed conflict (physiological, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, personal) have been established as well. The author adheres to the system and structural approach to rendering help to people in the immediate area of the armed conflict, and offers a model for restoring the personality on three levels: individual, micro-and macrosystemic, which will determine the ways and means of providing the various types of assistance required. Attention is drawn to the fact that when developing models and programs for the recovery of personality in the period of the armed conflict, it is the psychological component that should be given due consideration, for it will contribute to the effective prevention of the subsequent psychological consequences of the armed conflicts as well as to their leveling. In conclusion, the author claims that it is important to apply an integrated approach to the problem of restoring civilians at the time of the armed conflict, taking into account the political, socio-economic, socio-cultural and psychological causes and consequences of the conflict in order to effectively counter them in the future, prevent new violence, and promote the establishment of a viable peace.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2018;15(2):114-132
pages 114-132 views

Educational creative task as the main teaching tool for formation of compositional abilities of prospective leaders of the studio of decorative and applied creativity

Sachkova E.S.


The traditional nature of the professional training of prospective leaders of the Studio of decorative and applied creativity in high school does not take into account the specifics of the professional tasks of the leader of the Studio of decorative and applied creativity and the importance of compositional abilities for their effective solution. The aim of the study presented in this article is to determine the complex of pedagogical tools necessary and sufficient to ensure the successful development of the process of formation the compositional abilities of prospective leaders of the Studio of decorative and applied creativity in the course of professional training at the University.The methodological basis of the study is a functional approach, involving the consideration of pedagogical processes, objects, phenomena as systems and identifying the components of these systems structural elements, their functions in relation to the system as a whole, relationships and roles performed in relation to each other. In the process of research the theoretical analysis of pedagogical, psychological, methodological literature on the problem of research and empirical methods: pedagogical observation, testing, stating and forming experiments.As a result of the research the specificity of compositional activity in the sphere of decorative and applied art is revealed, the definition and structure of compositional abilities of leaders of the Studio of decorative and applied creativity is formulated, the complex of pedagogical means of formation of compositional abilities of students of higher education institutions of culture and arts - prospective leaders of the Studio of decorative and applied creativity is developed and tested.The formation of compositional abilities of prospective leaders of the Studio of decorative and applied creativity is carried out in the process of specially organized activities, the main content of which is the solution in the prescribed manner and combinations of educational and creative composite tasks presented in various techniques of decorative and applied art and in computer performance, having a certain level of complexity, subjects and orientation. The method of diagnostics of level of formation of compositional abilities of students is the qualitative assessment by the expert on criteria of visual perception of results of accomplishment by students of control compositional tasks. Efficiency of application of means of formation of compositional abilities of the prospective leaders of the Studio of decorative and applied creativity is reflected the qualitative growth of indicators in the structure of compositional abilities.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2018;15(2):133-158
pages 133-158 views


Sevostyanova O.M.


Mixed technique involves the integration of classical full-time and distance learning and contributes to the quality of the educational process. A certain proportion of graphic disciplines the students learn in full-time education, and the other - with the use of synchronous and asynchronous distance learning. The simplest and most economical way of synchronous learning is Skype. For transmission of graphics (complex drawings) is applied IDroo (virtual whiteboard). IDroo plugin must be installed on the computers of the tutor and the student, which makes it possible to collaboratively edit the graphic solution of problems of descriptive geometry in-line mode. Virtual board has a simple interface and easy to learn students. The article discusses the technique of application IDroo plugin.When conducting asynchronous learning using case studies, which include multimedia lectures, assignments for independent decisions, guidelines for solving problems with animated fragments, assessment criteria, test for self-control, schedule control activities and schedule remote consultations. Depending on the level of training and personal characteristics of the student chooses their own path of study of educational material, tempo, volume, etc.The article provides an analysis of the full-time and distance learning, indicating their advantages and disadvantages. The greatest effect can be achieved by the integration of full-time, asynchronous and synchronous learning. Such training is called mixed (Blended learning). The use of blended learning for full-time students contribute to the motivation of cognitive activity, the development of skills of independent work creates awareness, self-discipline, develops creativity. The article describes the method of classroom and remote consultations using mixed technology.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2018;15(2):159-169
pages 159-169 views

Valuable orientations of student youthto post-crisis for kyrgyzstan period (2010-2011)

Cholponkulova N.T.


The article examines the features of the value orientation of student youth in the northern and southern regions of Kyrgyzstan in the post-crisis period for the country (2010-2011). In the course of the research, it was revealed that the value kernel of students' consciousness, regardless of regional representation, is identical, which indicates the value unity of the student youth of the country. Also, data were obtained that testify to differences in the structure of instrumental values and the selection by students of different regions of different strategies and ways to achieve goals. According to the author, it is this feature that makes up the uniqueness and behavioral difference of the youth of the northern and southern part of the country. Comparative analysis with the results of the previous period showed the transformation and reorientation of terminal values of student youth from a subjective orientation to collectivism. In the structure of instrumental values of the test subjects of the north of the country, there is also a change in value orientations from personal and emotional orientation to professional, and in the southern regions to collectivist orientation.
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2018;15(2):170-188
pages 170-188 views

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