Vol 20, No 3 (2023)

Theory of pedagogy

Process model of development of adolescents’ social initiative in educational organization environment

Beloklokov S.V.


The paper presents theoretical and methodological grounds that actualize the development of a process model of development of adolescents’ social initiative in educational organization environment as a regulatory of productive stimulation of civil, patriotic, spiritual and moral development of young people, the basis for creative activity in a changing reality, for conscious opposition to the destructive influences of risky society. The problems and risks of insufficient attention to the development of adolescents’ social initiative in school by means of the opportunities of the educational environment have been identified. The content of the basic concepts of research is specified on the basis of interdisciplinary analysis of literature and advanced pedagogical experience. A designed process model of the development of adolescents’ social initiative in the educational organization environment is presented. Its block structure (target, methodological, content, productive blocks), optimally implemented in the sequence of stages (orienting, activating, reflexive) is described. The research also characterizes the target block of the model which sets guidelines for updating the study based on the social order of society, the requirements of regulatory legal documents in the field of education and the social sphere. The methodological block of the model was substantiated, reflecting the conceptual ideas of the environmental and activity scientific approaches and the general scientific principles arising from them (axiology, individuality and personal priorities, social cooperation, eventuality). The content block is aimed at the phased implementation of organizational forms and methods of the process model of the development of adolescents’ social initiative from the standpoint of using the capabilities of the educational organization environment (semantic, informational, activating) and its components (value-regulatory, informational, communicative, event, spatial). A productive block of the model has feedback functions and makes it possible to determine the productivity of the conducted study in the context of the sequential transition of the level of the components development of the adolescents’ social initiative (eposeological, axiological, praxeological) from low to medium and high.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):49-62
pages 49-62 views

Socialization of younger students: updated priorities and content characteristics

Cherginskaya Z.I.


The paper presents theoretical and methodological grounds that enhance the development of updated priorities and content characteristics of socialization of younger students. Problems and risky situations of social formation of growing subjects have been identified. The analysis of the main regulatory documents is presented, which makes it possible to actualize the significance of updating the content of the socialization process of younger students. Updated priorities have been identified («moral dignity», «subjectivity», «facilitation», «social partnership», «online and offline information-centralization») and the relevant content characteristics of the socialization of younger students: a) value and normative orientation in the system of public relations (active and conscious introduction of students to the norms and attitudes of society, as well as to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values); b) activating the subject position of students in the context of expanding the field of their self-realization, self-affirmation and social success (teaching new models of constructive interaction with other people, forming tolerance and the ability to live in a multinational and multicultural environment); c) socio-psychological protection of students in terms of priority of humane pedagogical influence, competent and safe in relation to all participants in educational relations; d) social integration of the possibilities of the education system and the family in the social formation of students (fruitful organization of cooperation between all participants in educational relations as allies and like-minded people in order to achieve a high level of socialization of younger students); e) information awareness and realistic assessment by online students of risks and ways of their timely minimization in the modern world (expanding the range of knowledge about the risk situations that students face in the digital world, forming skills to competently counter destructive online influences).

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):63-76
pages 63-76 views

The nature of interaction in pedagogical situation

Dobrova V.V.


The paper examines in detail the essence and specificity of the process of pedagogical interaction within the boundaries of a pedagogical situation. Since the concept of "pedagogical situation" both in literature and in practice is interpreted too arbitrarily, on the basis of our research we proposed our own definition of the concept of "pedagogical situation" as a process of pedagogical interaction between the subjects of pedagogical activity, within the framework of which a single pedagogical task of translating a unit of culture is solved in specially organized pedagogical conditions and space-time continuum. The pedagogical process is a developing interaction of its subjects aimed at solving educational tasks. The usual system of teaching turns out to be oriented to subject-object interaction, in which the positions of the teacher and the student are in disequilibrium. Modern pedagogy is focused on the organization of subject-subject interactions, in which both teacher and student are subjects, collaborators in joint cognitive activity. It is shown that the student is a subject, appearing as an object of educational influence; this paradoxical relation of the participants of the situation represents the dialectics of the pedagogical process. Pedagogical situation is always focused on the interaction of one person, performing pedagogical functions, with another person for the purpose of his/her development and improvement, it determines the nature of emerging and developing relations of the subjects.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):77-86
pages 77-86 views

Theory and methodology of education

Preparing future teachers for the organization of pedagogical education of parents based on the implementation of psychological and pedagogical mechanisms

Pakhomova M.A.


This paper discusses the effectiveness of the use of psychological and pedagogical mechanisms for the preparation of future teachers for the organization of pedagogical education of parents. The work of school teachers to educate parents in respect of education, upbringing and development of children always remains relevant and requires special attention, since modern parents often experience problems associated with the organization of family education. The use of such mechanisms as stimulation of emotional experience, saturation and pedagogical support of motivation in work with future teachers is the most effective and easily implemented in the format of educational training. Training is a method of active learning, the purpose of which is to develop knowledge, skills and various social attitudes. After analyzing various sources and conducting a study on the implementation of psychological and pedagogical mechanisms for stimulating emotional experience and motivating future teachers to interact with parents, the training “Positive Interaction and Motivation” was developed. The use of the materials proposed by us in the organization of educational activities in a pedagogical university allows to solve the problem of preparing future teachers for the organization of pedagogical education of parents, as well as to create a positive emotional mood and increase the level of students' motivation for this type of activity.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):5-16
pages 5-16 views

On increasing students’ motivation for studying English as a foreign language at university

Pirogova N.G., Rozhkov G.A.


Most English language teachers support the opinion that the students' learning potential increases, when they are positive about studying a language and are highly motivated. The research into the connection between positive attitude and successful second language acquisition confirms this idea. However, it is important to understand that this correlation is influenced by a variety of factors including complex social and psychological aspects of behaviour. The paper looks at the issues related to attitude to and motivation for learning a foreign language. It describes in detail the implemented project that studied the factors that have an influence on motivation and assessed the impact of using special strategies, materials and assignments on developing a positive attitude to language learning. The project is based on action research, which is a useful method with clear stages that allow a teacher to identify, research and apply teaching strategies as well as to analyze results and make recommendations in order to improve these strategies and educational process as a whole.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):35-48
pages 35-48 views

Development of students' critical thinking as the development of their functional literacy

Zhurakovskaya V.M., Krivykh S.V.


Indicators of the quality, competitiveness of general education are the educational results of students recognized in the world, corresponding to functional literacy, which includes, among other things, critical thinking of students. The purpose of the paper is to develop a technique for the development of students' critical thinking – “Critical analysis of the text” and its rationale, a description of its practical application in the educational practice of a general education institution. Research methods include methods of theoretical and empirical research. The paper proposes the technique “Critical analysis of the text”, represented by a new list of questions, the rationale for which is carried out on the basis of 4 laws of logic, the criteria for selecting the content of education, which provide the possibility to develop techniques for the development of critical thinking of students. An example of using the technique "Critical analysis of the text" at the lesson of “Conversations about the important issues” is also given. An analysis of the achievements of experimental work related to the use of techniques for the development of critical thinking of students in the educational process made it possible to establish an increment in the experience of critical thinking of students, which gave reason to consider the developed techniques effective. The scientific novelty of the study includes the method of "critical analysis of the text", represented by a new list of questions developed on the basis of the theories of critical thinking and logic. The theoretical significance of the study is related to the substantiation of the list of questions for the "Critical analysis of the text" technique, carried out on the basis of the argumentation theory, with the development of criteria for selecting the content of education, on the basis of which it is possible to design multi-level tasks for the development of students' critical thinking. The practical significance of the results of the study is shown in the given example of using the method "Critical analysis of the text" in educational practice, in particular at the lesson of "Sport and Politics" ("Talk about the important"). The “Critical Analysis of the Text” method developed in the study, which determines the development of critical thinking of students, enriches the theory of pedagogical design and opens up new opportunities for its further development.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):17-34
pages 17-34 views

Higher school education

The use of dramatization technology for the development of students' value orientations

Grigorieva V.G., Nazarova N.V.


The paper is devoted to the application of dramatization technology in foreign language teaching in order to develop general cultural, spiritual and moral value orientations among students. The purpose of this study was to prove the effectiveness of the use of dramatization technology as a means of developing students' value orientations in the process of learning a foreign language. To study the methods of this pedagogical technology, a review and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature was conducted followed by a brief survey among foreign language teachers and students of the Theater Faculty of the Samara Institute of Culture. The results of the survey were used to clarify the most significant cultural values among the interviewees, as well as to determine the interest of the Theater Faculty students in the use of dramatization techniques during the study of a foreign language. To confirm the hypothesis and further practical implementation of the conclusions, a theatrical project "Gallop across Europe. From Aeschylus to Brecht", which involved the 2 year students of the Theater Faculty, was staged. The material for the dramatic production was excerpts from five works of classical foreign literature, which most fully reflected the purpose of the study. It was concluded that the didactic potential of dramatization technology is not limited exclusively to the development of language skills, but can be effectively used for formation of students' value orientations.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):87-98
pages 87-98 views

Application of service MIRO in practical class of Fundamentals of Innovative En-gineering

Shekshaeva N.N.


The paper raises the problem of attracting the attention of generation Z (buzzers) to the study of the educational program. The author argues in favor of the use of digital services in education to enhance attention to the subject being studied, as well as the formation of competence - the ability to solve professional problems using information and communication technologies. A list of digital services operating on the territory of the Russian Federation is presented. The analysis of scientific literature in foreign and domestic journals on the use of the MIRO online platform in educational practice is described. The paper is devoted to the presentation of the experience of using the MIRO online platform as a digital learning tool for organizing group and individual work in the study of the discipline "Fundamentals of Innovative Engineering" (FIE) at N. P. Ogarev Mordovian State University in classroom and self-study. The content of the FIE discipline for the specialty “Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes" is shown in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of higher education. The paper describes the developed set of 9 practical works in MIRO in the discipline “Fundamentals of innovative engineering activities” which are carried out in the form of a business game “A Firm”, as well as the experience of performing these works by students. The practice of using MIRO in teaching FIE has shown that the online platform is accessible to teachers and students, the learning materials are easily placed on the platform, and neither students nor teachers had any difficulties in using it. There is a higher interest in performing practical work on FIE in MIRO, in contrast to paper media, and in improving student performance in this discipline. The practical significance of this study lies in the popularization of the use of digital services in the educational process.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):99-110
pages 99-110 views

Educational psychology

The experience of approbation and empirical substantiation of the ecopsychological model of subjectivity development in educational practice

Plaksina I.V.


The paperpresents a brief summary of the results of theoretical approbation and empirical substantiation of V.I. Panov’secopsychological model of subjectivity development, obtained during the 2016–2022 studies carried out on samples of students (N=897), students of the Pedagogical Institute (N=379) and teachers of schools in Vladimir (N=196). The choice of the model is due to the need to solve the central task of educational practice stated by the Federal State Educational Standard at all levels - the development of students’ ability to be a subject of educational activity. The ecopsychological model of subjectivity development, invariant to the subject content, allows us to consider the gradual subjectivity development at the theoretical and empirical levels in the context of ecopsychological interactions in the "student – teacher/educational environment" system. The analysis and comparison of the results obtained in different years on different samples revealed a number of patterns of development of the subject of educational, educational and professional activity: violation of the process of transferring components of educational activity from teacher to student, the return of a third of 11th grade students to reproductive methods of activity (low stages of subjectivity), the deficit of subject-generating interactions in educational environments in assessment of students, etc. The results obtained on student samples are characteristic of the traditional method of training future teachers, focused on the transfer of knowledge in the subject area. The experimental verification of the ecopsychological model on a sample of teachers implementing the regional innovative project "Organizational and psychological-pedagogical conditions for subjectivity development of participants in the educational process" confirmed the validity of the choice of the ecopsychological model of the development of the subject of pedagogical activity. Theoretical substantiation and empirical verification of the ideas of the ecopsychological approach allows us to assert that the ecopsychological model of the formation of subjectivity by V.I. Panov objectifies the realities of educational practice, differentiates ideas about interactions in the "student – educational environment" system, allows us to identify the degree of orientation to the psychological patterns of student development, and serves as the basis for the development of a psychodidactic model of learning in accordance with ecopsychological stages of subjectivity development.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):179-192
pages 179-192 views

Online Learning

The subject digital educational environment of the teacher in the conditions of the implementation of the FSIS «My school»

Yusupova O.V., Galimullina E.Z.


One of the priority areas of state policy is the identification, support and development of talents and abilities in children and youth, as well as the digital transformation of education. This is evidenced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation «The national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030» No. 474 dated July 21, 2020. To achieve the national goal aimed at providing opportunities for self-realization and development of talents, the national project «Education» is being implemented. Through the activities of the national project «Education» in each region of Russia, the development of the education system in key areas is ensured, one of which is the implementation of the federal project «Digital Educational Environment». The development of a digital educational environment as part of the implementation of the federal project «Digital Educational Environment» implies not only providing the school with modern equipment, but also the introduction of the federal state information system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation «My School». The «My School» system is a Russian educational platform created for effective information support of the bodies and organizations of the education system and citizens in the framework of the processes of organizing education and managing the educational process, as well as to create conditions for the digital transformation of the education system and the effective use of new opportunities for digital technologies. On the other hand, the problem of creating a digital educational environment, its component composition and purpose has been studied in scientific circles for quite a long time. Many researchers emphasize the need for the subject orientation of the process of building a digital educational environment, which is created by the teacher according to his author's intention. In this regard, it becomes necessary to determine the role and place of the subject digital educational environment of the teacher in the context of the implementation of the federal state information system «My School» and to identify the capabilities of the "My School" platform, which provide teachers with tools for creating digital educational content to organize the process of teaching a school subject.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):111-132
pages 111-132 views

Online foreign language teaching: challenges and solutions

Batenina I.K., Orekhova Y.M.


This paper is devoted to the vital problem of foreign language teaching in the context of organizing online distance learning. The unfavorable epidemiological situation, modern political and economic transformations in the world have also had an impact on the sphere of education: online learning has received a powerful impetus for rapid development. Currently the digitalization of language education is one of the global trends, which is reflected in the requirements of the modernized Federal State Educational Standards of vocational and higher education. The development of digital didactics as a new essential branch of pedagogy touches upon the foreign language teaching process. At the same time, the implementation of innovations causes many difficulties and challenges for specialists who are used to traditional teaching methods and are trying to avoid reducing the quality of education. In this regard, the topic of this study is of particular relevance. The paper studies the benefits and drawbacks of foreign language teaching in educational institutions of various types, implemented with the help of distance technologies and modern teaching software. Both the teacher questionnaire and the survey made it possible to identify and describe in detail the advantages and disadvantages of conducting online classes in a foreign language in the Yaroslavl Town Planning College (Yaroslavl) and the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow). The issue of increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of distant foreign language teaching was also considered by solving a number of methodological problems, such as the use of specific Internet discourse and clichés as part of communication in a foreign language at different class stages. The solution to this problem will let eliminate a number of psychological difficulties that all subjects of educational process face during online communication, and make communication more emotional.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):133-148
pages 133-148 views

Experience of MOOC designing and implementation in teaching philology students

Osiyanova O.M., Osiyanova A.V.


The paper is devoted to one of the most important problems for the modern education, connected with educational process modernization, based on progressive information technologies. The authors focus their attention on theoretical and practical aspects of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) designing and implementation as an educational resource and independent educational system element. Its tasks are to build an individual educational route and students’ supplementary professional training, to form student’s skills for self-organization and self-education. The paper summarizes the experience of MOOC designing and implementation in Orenburg State University philology-students educational process, which demanded pointing out the MOOC peculiar characteristics, designing algorithm for its construction and approval, evaluation of received results and defining perspectives for improving. The system analysis of MOOC peculiar characteristics and potential for educational process at university held with the use of theoretical and practical researching methods let clarify its advantages and disadvantages. Interactivity, quick evaluation of tasks, unlimited time, logical and well-structured material and the ability to perform self-control of learning results are considered to be the advantages. The dependence on the technical abilities, absence of total control of tasks accomplishment and actual teacher-student visual contact, self-sufficient learning decrease MOOC’s effectivity. Stage-by-stage algorithm of MOOC design and implementation in educational process of higher education and approved in the designer MOOC «Methods of teaching English» for philology-students at Orenburg State University is presented. The algorithm consists of 5 consequential stages (preparative, stages of design and production, approbation, improvement and copying). Each stage has its aim and goals, content and ways for realization. Effectivity of algorithm has been proved by the 2 year experimental work. It was proved that the use of designer MOOC resources helped arrange educational process and manage educational time more sufficiently.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):149-166
pages 149-166 views

General psychology

Psychological adaptation of a person experiencing loneliness to the conditions of studying at a university

Berezina Z.I., Ulybysheva I.N.


The experience of loneliness is one of the most important problems of society, which has existed for many years. The feeling of loneliness experienced by students of pedagogical training fields can negatively affect the success of mastering educational material, adaptation to a new social status, as well as negatively affect the development of the teaching profession image. It is most relevant to investigate the problem of experiencing loneliness in people who, by the nature of their professional activity, are involved in constant interaction with other members of society. The aim of our research is to study the psychological characteristics of the adaptation of a person experiencing loneliness to the study conditions at a university. It is one of the urgent problems caused by the influence of the success or failure of the adaptation process on the development of students’ attitudes to study, as well as to future professional pedagogical activity. The study was conducted on the basis of the Southern Federal University. The total number of respondents who took part in the study was 290 first-year students of pedagogical specialties of full-time education. The following methods were used in the study: "Methodology for diagnosing socio-psychological adaptation" by K. Rogers and R. Diamond, "Diagnosis of experiencing loneliness" by E.E. Rogovoy, methods of mathematical data processing Correlation criterion r-Spearman. As a result of the study, data were obtained indicating that there is a statistically proven relationship between the loneliness experienced by a person and the characteristics of adaptation to the study conditions at a university. The results of the study will make it possible to determine the features of individual work with students of pedagogical areas with different levels of loneliness and to develop an individual program for the adaptation of students, depending on the loneliness actually experienced by the individual, especially in the 1st year of study.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2023;20(3):167-178
pages 167-178 views

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