


The article is devoted to the problem of using video for ESP students. According to the state educational standards for foreign languages teaching communicative competence includes the following components: grammatical or linguistic competence, which means vocabulary and grammar acquisition; sociolinguistic competence - the ability to choose and use speech patterns appropriately, taking into account communication aim and speakers social positions; discourse competence - is the ability to create speeches of different functional styles, in oral and written form; sociocultural competence - is the knowledge of cross-cultural peculiarities, the ability to respect the other culture being the representative of the other culture. The main goal of our study is to create the concept of ESP students sociocultural competence development. Achieving this we can accomplish a number of pedagogical tasks. The conclusions are proved by numerous examples. We would like to emphasize the importance of this work as there is a lack of books based on real feature movies materials. Though there is a great number of books based on educational videos. Nevertheless feature films have an advantage of emotional impact and personality focus.


Tatiana Filonenko

Samara State Technical University

(PhD), Associate professor, the department of foreign languages. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya Str., Samara, 443100


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