Patriotic education of a student’s linguistic personality (on the example of the academic discipline «Lawyer’s speech culture»)

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The paper considers the possibility of a comprehensive educational impact on the patriotic development of a student’s linguistic personality when mastering a speech discipline. Currently, the patriotic consciousness of young people becomes the basis of national security and acquires strategic importance in state policy. In higher education, including law school, the issues of patriotism are given great importance. The formation of a future professional correlates with the idea of the phenomenon of linguistic personality, reflecting communicative and ideological features. At present, the linguodidactic potential of patriotic education of students during the study of foreign languages is being actively studied. It seems relevant to combine the educational and educational process in the native language as part of the study of the discipline of speech culture. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological recommendations for the preparation of text tasks that ensure the formation of the linguistic personality of a law school student in the aspect of patriotic education based on the material of the academic discipline «Lawyer’s speech Culture». In the process of research, teaching methods are used that provide for the cognitive activity of students. The educational component is provided by the content of text tasks that actualize in practice the theoretical basis of the speech discipline. As a result of the research, it is revealed that the content of patriotic texts as part of didactic tasks, as well as topics related to issues of patriotism proposed for discussion at debates, cause a great emotional response among students. Performing tasks, students express correct value judgments, which indicates the effectiveness of educational influence. The conducted research in practice confirms the effectiveness of the educational approach that contributes to the development of patriotic consciousness of the student’s linguistic personality.

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Currently, education in the spirit of patriotism is becoming a strategic direction of state policy. Russian President Vladimir Putin notes: "Love for the Motherland, its culture and identity, active participation in the fate of the country, preservation of historical truth — this is all that needs to be cultivated in the minds and hearts of young people, so that later they build a great future of Russia" [4]. A solid legislative base is being created in the legal field, which ensures the systematic formation of the patriotic consciousness of young people [5, 6, 7, 8].
The axiological understanding of patriotism is enshrined in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 9, 2022 "On the approval of the foundations of state policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values." Patriotism, service to the Fatherland, historical memory and continuity of generations are recognized as traditional Russian values, the preservation and strengthening of which becomes the key to national security [8].
The issues of strengthening patriotism are particularly relevant in higher education and, above all, in a law school that trains professionals to work in a socially significant legal field. The legal profession correlates not so much with the idea of service as an "occupation — a source of earnings" [9], as with the understanding of legal activity as a service, in which the performance of professional functions occurs "not out of duty, but from an internal civil position" [10].
Today, the formation of patriotic civic maturity is coupled with a "reorientation" to spiritual and moral education in accordance with Russian national traditions [11]. At the higher law School of the Russian Empire, patriotic education was included in the educational process at lectures by prominent scientists of his time — the creator of the concept of public law V. N. Leshkov, professor of the Faculty of Law of Moscow University P.G. Redkin, whose ideas had a significant impact on the formation of his talented student K.D. Ushinsky [12]. The founder of Russian scientific pedagogy, K.D. Ushinsky called patriotism "the right key to education to the human heart", attached great importance to the educational capabilities of the native language — "the greatest national mentor" [13].
Language has a dual nature — on the one hand, it is a subject of study, on the other hand, it is a means of learning. Comprehension of the essence of the national language in the process of its study is linked to the fundamental concept of "linguistic personality". G.I. Bogin characterizes the linguodidactic model of a linguistic personality as "a multi-layered and multicomponent set of linguistic abilities, skills, readiness to carry out speech actions" [14]. Yu.N. Karaulov "enriches" the meaning of the term "national flavor", correlation with cultural and spiritual and moral values, including patriotism [15].
The formation and development of the student's linguistic personality takes place during the entire study at the university. This complex process is influenced by various factors – the peculiarities of educational and real professional communication, "the peculiarity of personal discourse belonging to the individual, subordinated to the goals and objectives of professional activity" [16]. Acquired knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, a personal example of the communicative interaction of a teacher implicitly form the linguistic personality of a law student. At the same time, the curriculum of the university includes speech disciplines, the explicit purpose of which is "a qualitative change in language and speech skills, the development of communicative abilities, the development of general speech culture in its fullest form" [17]. It becomes expedient to use the didactic possibilities of the academic discipline "Lawyer's speech culture" in the aspect of patriotic education of a linguistic personality.
The theoretical significance of the proposed research lies in the description of the educational campaign to the formation and development of the student's patriotic consciousness through the expansion of his linguistic abilities and skills determined by national cultural traditions. The practical value of the work consists in the actualization of the educational potential of specially selected texts and legal tasks in the process of mastering the academic discipline "Lawyer's speech culture".
The purpose of the study is to develop methodological recommendations that contribute to the development of the linguistic personality of law students in the context of patriotic education based on the material of specific text tasks. To achieve the goal , the following tasks are solved: 1) a description of the phenomenon of linguistic personality; 2) a description of the expediency of an educational approach to strengthening the patriotic principle in a linguistic personality and ways to implement this approach; 3) development and testing of a set of educational tasks in the classroom on "Lawyer's speech Culture".
Modern pedagogical research devoted to the problems of patriotic education of students is based on the works of outstanding Russian teachers, whose mentoring and scientific and pedagogical experience still does not lose relevance [13, 18, 19]. The authors of the publications study the interaction of pedagogical science and law [20], comprehend the reform of legal pedagogy and education taking into account the interests of the updated Russia [11]. The "mental" difficulties arising on the way of educating patriotic lawyers in connection with the use of "samples of Western European legal culture" in the educational process are noted [12]. In general, modern research focuses on the fact that the preparation of lawyers for future professional activity should fit "into a broad system of patriotic education." [21].
Despite the fundamental didactic base created by the classics of Russian pedagogy, the theoretical and practical possibilities of educating a student's linguistic personality in the process of studying the culture of speech in their native language are insufficiently studied. The need for systematic linguodidactic work on the education of patriotism is noted by teachers of foreign languages. So, O.L. Sokolova and L.V. Scopova, rightly noting that "underestimation of patriotic education leads to the loosening of the socio-economic, cultural and spiritual foundations of the development of the state," offer a comprehensive modular methodology that promotes the education of patriotism by means of a professionally oriented foreign language [22]. Foreign-language texts of patriotic content are recommended to be used in the classroom by T.I. Shakirov [23], M.V. Melnichuk, P.P. Rostovtseva [24]. Researcher A.P. Belkina, correlating the manifestation of the linguistic personality of a law student with the sphere of intercultural communication, focuses on "means of foreign-language vocational education" [25].
Thus, for the Russian higher school, the need remains urgent to study representative didactic materials of speech disciplines that develop the patriotic basis of the student's linguistic personality using the capabilities of the Russian literary language.
In our article, we will demonstrate the mechanism of implementing educational influence aimed at strengthening the patriotic consciousness of the student's linguistic personality with the help of text tasks of the academic discipline "Lawyer's Speech Culture". When developing assignments, we are guided by the topics of the curriculum and supplement text materials taken from legal practice with assignments that are both educational and educational in nature. Our study shows how "step-by-step work on the formation and development of professionally significant competencies" [17] is saturated with educational influence, ensuring the strengthening of the patriotic principle in the student's linguistic personality.
Literature review
In the article we rely on modern research in the field of patriotic education in connection with the formation and development of the language personality of students. Most publications on this topic actualize the ideas of K.D. Ushinsky, who linked patriotic education with the formation of the student's consciousness [13], A.S. Makarenko, who called for teaching the younger generation to live in the interests of the country in matters of education [18]; V.A. Sukhomlinsky, who paid great attention to the formation of a "patriotic core" in the soul of a pupil [19]. Starting from the description of the linguistic personality presented in the work of Yu.N. Karaulova [15], we use the provisions set out in the publication of K.M. Levitan and M.A. Yugova, which postulate the principles of value pedagogy in the process of developing the linguistic personality of law school students [26]. Patriotism as a value dominant of the educational process is considered in the works of foreign authors [1, 2, 3]. In the course of work on the disclosure of the educational potential of the academic discipline "Lawyer's speech Culture", we use the resource of the native language and turn to the publications of modern researchers in the field of linguodidactics, speech culture and rhetoric for lawyers (D.V. Aleynikova, N.N. Ivakina, S.D. Pivkin, etc.) [27, 28, 29].
Materials and methods

The research methodology is determined by the communicative competence approach and is characterized by an integrative, socio-cultural and personality-oriented orientation. The object of the study is the process of educational influence on the student's linguistic personality in the context of the formation and development of patriotic consciousness. Considering the current situation in the field of patriotic education, we use analytical and comparative methods, as well as methods of generalization and systematization in the study of pedagogical, psychological, methodological and linguistic literature. When developing tasks, the general principle of linguodidactics is taken into account, according to which language teaching is carried out in the context of the teaching and educational capabilities of the language itself. In the course of patriotic educational work within the framework of the development of the academic discipline "Culture of lawyer's speech", the methods proposed by I.Ya. Lerner and M.N. Skatkin are used in connection with the appeal to the cognitive activity of students: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, partially exploratory research, as well as the method of problem presentation [30]. In addition, the work of S.A. is taken into account. Sokolova "Formation of spiritual, moral and patriotic principles in the legal consciousness of law students in the classroom on the academic discipline "History of the national state and law", which notes the need to use interactive techniques to achieve an educational effect during training [21].

Research results
The educational tasks offered by us correspond to the structure and content of the discipline "Lawyer's speech Culture", which determines the development of the linguistic personality of a law student. In the first block, students study the Russian literary language as a standardized subsystem of the national language, correlate the concept of "norm", known from legal disciplines, with the language requirements for competent professional speech. In the classroom, the specifics of orthoepic, grammatical, lexical norms are studied in detail in the application to the sphere of legal communication. The next step is to master the functional and stylistic specifics of the literary language implemented in the process of legal interaction. Explication of linguistic means of scientific, official-business and journalistic styles is relevant for legal speech. Of great importance is the formation of the skill of working with documents. In the final block, immersion in the atmosphere of public communication takes place — students master the theoretical foundations of oratory, learn to compose their own thesis-argumentative texts in accordance with the provisions of the rhetorical canon. The acquired communicative competencies necessary for a professionally accomplished linguistic personality are demonstrated during the final public speeches — business games (debates, imitation of a trial, etc.).
The theoretical basis of the discipline "Lawyer's Speech Culture" finds practical application in seminars. The work on the implementation of analytical, situational, creative tasks with an educational orientation is characterized by an appeal to the historical memory of the people, a sense of pride in their achievements and exploits. Students, reading the texts of historical documents, articles, analyzing the actual content of information materials, not only develop a common culture of professional speech, but also feel a sense of belonging to the fate of the Motherland, imbued with the idea of continuity of generations, comprehend the spiritual and moral ideals, values and traditions of their people, learn to publicly argue their own civil position.
We will show by concrete examples how, in the process of mastering each block of the academic discipline "Lawyer's speech Culture", a comprehensive — professional-speech and patriotic — development of the linguistic personality of a law student is carried out.

The block "Literary norms of language".
At the initial stage, getting acquainted with the hierarchical level structure of the language, students form an idea of the need for comprehensive knowledge and application of literary norms. Orthoepic norms corresponding to the phonetic language level are linked to the reduction of vowel sounds, the softening of consonants in individual borrowed words, the pronunciation of some letter combinations, as well as with the peculiarities of the stress setting.
The mastery of orthoepic and accentological norms is checked when reading aloud texts that include words that present difficulty in pronunciation. For educational purposes, it seems preferable to use a patriotic context. For example, for many students it is difficult to assimilate the accentological norm in the word provision. To memorize the norm, it is appropriate to demonstrate in a practical lesson a fragment of V.V. Putin's video speech at a meeting of the Security Council of Russia [31], where the head of state uses the word security in free speech. Having mastered the accentological norm from the mouth of the head of the country, the student successfully copes with the task:
Read the text, observing the rules of pronunciation of the Russian literary language.
"Let's talk today about the introduction of modern technologies to ensure the defense and security of the state." Vladimir Putin.
In this task, the educational result is supported by a special emotional state of the student - a sense of respect for the national leader and an understanding of responsibility in connection with the need to repeat the words of the President of Russia.
The principle of educational influence is preserved in the study of grammatical norms. The volume of the article does not allow us to show the full range of tasks that contribute to the assimilation of the norms of morphological and syntactic language levels. Here are some sample examples.
As pedagogical experience shows, for most students, the use of forms of the numeral name presents a certain difficulty. To assimilate this morphological norm, the following task is proposed:
Correctly write down the numerals in words, using them in the right form.
Against the front, the enemy concentrated 250,000 people, about 740 tanks, 1,200 aircraft, 7,500 guns and mortars.
G.K. Zhukov. Memories and Reflections, 1970. p. 372.
As you can see, students need to correctly use the case form of the names of numerals, which Marshal of Victory Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov cites in his memoirs in connection with the description of the Stalingrad Front [32]. Reading the lines of the legendary commander, students imagine the scope of military operations, the scale of the threat hanging over the Fatherland. At the same time, the teacher emphasizes the importance of the year of publication of the book — the memoirs were published in 1970, during the life of G.K. Zhukov. The reliability of the information — a factor of fundamental importance for future lawyers — is confirmed by the testimony of the main participant of the events living at that time. The book from which the quote is taken is brought to class. Students can hold in their hands a lifetime edition of memoirs, flip through the pages, delve into the study of the history of their native country. Thus, from mastering the morphological norm of using the form of the numeral name, the cognitive processes of the student's linguistic personality switch to patriotic comprehension of the proposed information.
Let's turn to the tasks that fix the use of syntactic norms. The most difficult in the practical development of the language syntactic level is the construction of a construction with an adverbial turnover. In order for students to learn not only to use the adverbial turnover correctly, but also to correct the violation of the syntactic norm associated with the use of the adverbial turnover, such a task is given:

Transform the sentence by replacing the adverbial turnover:
1) by combining a verbal noun with a preposition;
2) subordinate clause
Preparing for the capture of Moscow, Hitler gave a directive:
"The city should be surrounded so that no Russian soldier, no resident ‒ be it a man, woman or child ‒ could leave it. Any attempt to get out should be suppressed by force. Make the necessary preparations so that Moscow and its surroundings are filled with water. Where Moscow stands today, there should be a sea that will hide the capital of the Russian people from the civilized world forever."
The Nuremberg Trial, 1954, volume 1. p. 495.
The material of the text is a legal document drawn up during the Nuremberg trials [33]. Currently, the trial of Nazi criminals of the XX century is acquiring an actual sound. The texts of the indictments of the International Military Tribunal arouse both professional and civil interest among law students. When considering the adverbial turnover in preparation for the capture of Moscow, Hitler gave a directive that the focus of the law student's attention shifts from the speech aspect to the legal and then to the spiritual and moral. The task of transforming the adverbial turnover, on the one hand, strengthens the skill of working with syntactic construction, on the other hand, causes a high emotional uplift due to the criminal plans of the fascists. The text of Hitler's directive, in which there are no adverbial phrases, is included in the task for educational purposes.
The impact on the patriotic beginning of the student's linguistic personality occurs when working with the lexical norms of the Russian language. The task is performed on the material of legal documents:
Study the text of Order No. 135 "On the Sverdlovsk Law Institute of Sverdlovsk" dated 12.06.1942. Find cliches and cliched constructions, correlate the structure of the cliche with the language tools used.
The task is supplemented with a photo image of an archival document — an Order drawn up by the leadership of the university during the Great Patriotic War. In accordance with the document, the Sverdlovsk Law Institute becomes a combat defense unit, a training company is created at the institute, each member of the team is able to carry weapons and master a defense specialty. In the process of working on the lexical norms of the literary language, students experience an emotional impact, imagining how their peers back in 1942 also studied the specifics of a particular academic discipline and at the same time were ready to leave their studies at any moment and stand up for the institute, the city, the country.

The block "Functional speech styles".
The development of the student's linguistic personality is aimed at mastering the skills of professional communication, taking into account the functional and stylistic originality of legal speech.
The specifics of the scientific functional style and the linguistic features of the style explication are studied by students using the texts of scientific articles on legal topics. The following task may be offered as an educational task:
Using the techniques of text compression, transform into theses the text of the article by Doctor of Law V.N. Kornev "Traditional constitutional values as a spiritual and moral basis for the unity of Russian society and the state" // Justice/Justice. 2023. Vol. 5, No. 1. pp. 8-15.
Electronic resource: file:///C:/Users/%D0%B4%D0%BD%D1%81/Downloads/traditionnye konstitutsionnye-tsennosti-kak-duhovno-nravstvennaya-osnova-edineniya-rossiyskogo-obschestva-i-gosudarstva. pdf [34].
During the assignment, students solve a whole range of educational tasks: 1) develop digital literacy and information retrieval skills, referring to the resource of the electronic library; 2) in the process of reading a scientific article, they learn the linguistic specifics of the scientific style of speech; 3) when transforming the genre of the article into the genre of abstracts, they learn the techniques of text compression. Simultaneously with speech training, there is an impact on the spiritual and moral state of the linguistic personality - the student comprehends the problem of the unity of society and the state, thinks about the significance of traditional constitutional values.
Patriotic education of a linguistic personality is carried out when studying the official business style of legal speech. In practical classes, students explore the specifics of documents of various subfields and genres. To enhance the educational effect, it is recommended to include in the work documents related to the history of the country, city or university where the training takes place. As an example, we will show a task that uses the text of a business letter taken from the university archive (the document refers to the transfer of buildings "to the temporary jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Education" for the needs of the university):
Compose a business letter taking into account the requirements for the design of business electronic correspondence, using the information of a historical document.
From the point of view of patriotic education, it is advisable to use the texts of historical documents compiled during the Great Patriotic War in tasks:
Determine the genre of the document by the stylistic features and language features of the text.
On the night of August 23-25, 1944, on a Li-2 plane, head to the enemy's rear and parachute out in the area of Mlava. I designate a clearing near the village of Mostova, 18 km southwest of Mlava, as the gathering place. After landing, bury the parachutes, find out the situation and immediately begin the task. Radiograms should be transmitted only in the way you have studied, addressing them to the "Center" signed "Nevsky" or "Oleg". In case of radio communication failure, send a contact to us by sending him through the front line. The term of work is from August 25, 1944 until the release of units at the turn of the Allenstein ‒ Mlava.
Scouts have names. Collection of memoirs about the exploits of Soviet intelligence officers. M., 1973. p. 312 [35].
The most productive in the context of the education of patriotic citizenship is the study of the possibilities of journalistic style. Being the basis for the implementation of judicial speech, the journalistic style is mastered by students on the material of pathetic texts of socio-legal, historical subjects. The functionality of the journalistic style allows you to maximize the impact potential of texts created in the genre of essays, essays, articles, etc.
We will show the educational resource of the task related to the consolidation of theoretical material on the topic "Journalistic style":
Analyze the text and write out the emotional and evaluative means of language and speech standards in separate groups.
After the revolution, the former Russian Empire was depicted on some foreign globes as a white blank spot, as if a hundred and fifty million people inhabiting Russia were being deleted from the list of existing peoples.
Anyone could be discouraged by such a dismissive blockade, but not the Russian people. <…>
Our thousand–year history is a thousand years of hard struggle for the paternal land. No other people could have endured what our people endured – there were such tight times that it seemed that the Russian land would finally be empty, you iron it – the axe rings again and the ploughman urges the sivka, turning out the burnt rhizomes with a coulter.
Without exaggerating or boasting, we can say: the marvelous power of historical resistance is growing stronger in the Russian people from century to century.
A.N. Tolstoy. Journalism. M., 1975. p.223 [36].
The collection of journalistic articles by A.N. Tolstoy, written during the Great Patriotic War, is a rich material for the patriotic education of modern man. In addition, the articles of A.N. Tolstoy reveal wide opportunities for the implementation of journalistic style, which can be used by students when composing their own texts of public speeches at the final stage of teaching the culture of speech of a lawyer.

The "Rhetoric" block.
The development of the theoretical foundations of rhetoric is fixed at seminars in practice-oriented tasks. In preparation for the final public speeches, students learn to create thesis-argumentative texts in accordance with the rhetorical canon.
Much attention is paid to the techniques of capturing the attention of the audience. In this connection , the following task is given:
Come up with entry options using different attention grabbing techniques on one of the topics you have chosen: What is the value of the family; What is the value of the continuity of generations; What is the value of historical memory; What is the value of the native land, the Fatherland; What is the value of the native language; What is the value of justice; What is the value of life.
In the process of completing the task, choosing the most effective methods of capturing the attention of the audience, the student initially thinks about axiological issues that have an educational context.
The principle of educational influence is preserved when working on the allocation of linguistic means of dialogization, without which it is impossible to make a convincing public speech. As a text material for the task, public speeches of domestic politicians addressing the citizens of the country in the most difficult historical periods can be used:
Analyze the linguistic means of dialogization, which are used in an excerpt from the speech of I.V. Stalin, delivered on the radio on July 3, 1941. Correlate the historical context in which the speech was made, the personality of its author and the effect obtained as a result of dialogization [17].
The educational basis is laid in tasks related to the ability to argue a particular statement:
Develop in microgroups a set of arguments to the topic "One in the field is not a warrior", taking into account the need to be more convincing than opponents who are preparing arguments for a counterthesis.
When writing a task, it is important to use topics in which the formulation of the affirmative thesis (in this case, one in the field is not a warrior) and the antithesis (and one warrior, if cut in Russian) have an equivalent educational value.
A large number of tasks and exercises of an educational nature are used in rhetoric classes within the framework of the discipline "Lawyer's Speech Culture". Being limited by the volume of the article, we do not have the opportunity to show the entire arsenal of educational opportunities of the third stage of training. It should be noted that the most significant and indicative from the point of view of the formation of the patriotic consciousness of the student's linguistic personality is participation in the team business game "Debates". During the preparation and conduct of debates, the oratorical and personal characteristics of future jurists are maximally manifested.

Discussion and conclusions
The set of tasks proposed by the author aimed at developing the patriotic consciousness of a linguistic personality was tested in classes with first-year undergraduate and specialist students. The texts used in the assignments, as well as the topics proposed for discussion at the debates, caused emotional involvement of students. On the part of the students, the performance of each task was accompanied by correct value judgments reflecting the effectiveness of the educational impact. Thus, the use of an educational approach in the preparation of tasks on the culture of speech of a lawyer proves its effectiveness in practice and contributes to the further moral improvement of a patriot student. The success of patriotic education was most fully manifested at the final business game "Debates". Convincingly defending the position of the team: "They become Heroes", the participants of the debate honored the memory of A.V. Avdyukov, a law student, a hero of the SVO, who received the Order of Courage posthumously. The special solemnity, seriousness, balance in words and nonverbal behavior testified to the deep inner experience of the students, about the responsible attitude to what they were talking about, about the firmness of the civic position. Working on the patriotic education of the linguistic personality, we used the potential of classroom learning. At the same time, the speech science discipline "Lawyer's Speech Culture" assumes the possibility of additional training in the format of an elective, elective, circle or project activity, which allows you to bring the educational process to the level of professional communication in a public environment. The development of patriotic consciousness of a linguistic personality in extracurricular communication can become a further direction of our research.
The results of the conducted work allow us to conclude that a comprehensive educational approach, in which the native language is not only the subject of study, but also a means of educational influence, has a high degree of effectiveness in the process of developing the student's linguistic personality, including in the aspect of educating patriotic consciousness of youth.


About the authors

Natal’ya A. Ryadovykh

Ural State Law University named after V.F. Yakovlev

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8186-4449
SPIN-code: 3674-9827

Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages and Speech Culture


Russian Federation, 21, Komsomolskaya str., Ekaterinburg, 620066


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