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The article reveals the essence of the value of health care competence of students of Samara State Economic University. School health care competence is considered by the authors as a professional quality of a person. The article reveals the basic contradictions between the existing practice in the training and the insufficient development of the pedagogical tools for the formation of healthy lifestyle of students. Recommendations to overcome these contradictions are given. The task of creating a cognitive component of health care competence of students in the field of physical culture and sports is disclosed.In the process of transforming-formative experiment on this topic, a system for the formation of the cognitive component of health care competence was developed. 3 module transforming-forming stage of the experiment were allocated: cognitive, health care and active. According to the results of the experiment the conclusions and practical recommendations were made to improve the mental and physical state involved and increase health care level of each student participating in the experiment.

About the authors

Lidiya А. Ivanova

Samara State University of Economics

Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education. 141, Sovetskoy Armii Str., Samara, 443090

Olga A. Kazakova

Samara State University of Economics

Senior Lecturer Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education. 141, Sovetskoy Armii Str., Samara, 443090

Tatyana A. Zvonova

Samara State University of Economics

Senior Lecturer Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education. 141, Sovetskoy Armii Str., Samara, 443090


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Copyright (c) 2014 Ivanova L.А., Kazakova O.A., Zvonova T.A.

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