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In the article the author presents a system of the activization of a student ̉s cognitive independence in the educational process when mathematical conceptsare being formed in terms of development of the Internet, electronic means of data processing and availability. The factors that promote the development of thinking of schoolchildrenin the context of reforms of education were studied, and it is mathematics that contributes most to the formation of the intelligence of students. The aspects of the educational support of students are marked and revealed during the mathematical concepts formation. The method of teaching of mathematical concepts, stimulating transition to higher levels of development of a student ’s readiness for independent thinking are offered. The versions of organizing the activity during the lesson and homework were considered. The article introduces the results of control and test work, questionnaires. The results of competitions have shown the effectiveness of the system of activization of a student ̉s cognitive independence in the educational process during the mathematical concepts formation. This method can be used for co-education of mathematics and informatics.

About the authors

Svetlana P. Gavryuchenkova

Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University

assistant, Dept. of. theory and technique of teaching of Mathematics. 1, Ulyanov str., Nizhny Novgorod, 603950


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