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The necessity of future engineers’ working with professional literature in foreign languages is mentioned in the article. The process mentioned above is performed by special pedagogical means and technologies. The solving of the problem of developing student’s discursive-creative abilities specifies an important role of cognitive problems in the process of dealing with scientific discourse encouraging making up of personality which is ready for the future professional activity. Communicative-cognitive problems answer to this purpose. They are aimed at perception, understanding and creating discourse as the processes mentioned above require such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, specification, abstracting in the process of information decoding, deverbalization and explication that result in thinking flexibility, breadth, fluency and originality and lead to its creativity. The theoretical basis lets us define communicative-cognitive problems which are directed at clarifying the information in the scientific discourse and develop professional skills and ways of dealing with text data, express the subject communicative need to influence a partner in the result of problem situation comprehension. It was proved that the use of role play technology is defined by its orientation on the understanding of professional information represented in the scientific discourse, realization of the communicative purpose of the professional intercourse and means of giving the information in the appropriate form according to the communicative purpose given.

About the authors

Polina G. Labzina

Samara State Technical University

Teacher of Foreign Languages Department. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya Str., 443100

Alfiya V. Moskvina

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Professor of Pedagogical Department. 19, Sovetskaya Str., 460014


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Copyright (c) 2014 Labzina P.G., Moskvina A.V.

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