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The article presents the proven system of students’ training in economic University majoring in "translation in the sphere of professional communication" through the implementation of three main modules: linguistic, communicative and professional. Within professional linguistics training there were formulated the key objectives: communicative, professional, educational, cultural. Based on the period of training at the translators’ training Department of SSEU the analysis of speech exercises relevant to this program dealing with four main types of speech activity(reading, writing, speaking and listening), with a range of the most typical mistakes at different levels of learning. The emphasis is made on the formation and further development of oral communication skills of future economists at the advanced level, which requires special conditions of employment, close to real business communication. According to the translators’ training Department program the learning process is implemented by using the authentic material, where the thematic principle in educational process predominates, which divides the vocabulary: thematically neutral and thematically selected (General English/ Business English).The efficiency of the proposed linguistic professional training among students of the translators’ training Department at SSEU confirmed the reliability of the experiment results and the positive dynamics in perceptual, predictive, analytical, informational and communicative skills developing among future economists and interpreters. The specifics of the translator in the sphere professional communication requires much more attention to skills automation in speaking and writing, the training practical usage in major functional styles, where the paramount importance has: conversations, discussions, writing essays and reports, i.e. the question of the student has moved from reproductive speech to productive one. A special place is occupied by the work on the development of professional skills for business communication.

About the authors

Julia D. Ermakova

Samara State University of Economics

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of foreign languages Department. 141, Sovetskoy armii Str., Samara, 443090


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