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In the present article an analysis of consecutive specification of some physical laws in the course of studying of a number of questions on physics in class is carried out. This specification is a peculiar application of the methodological principle of compliance. The relevance of this research consists in the application in training in physics of the principle of compliance as a methodological principle as this principle is realized only at the level of separate physical theories (classical and relative mechanics, quantum and relative theories of radiation, wave and geometrical optics). The main idea consists in the fact that the use of the methodological opportunities of the principle of compliance takes place systematically and directly at the lessons of physics and all essence of the dialectic nature of specific concepts is thus revealed. A special technique of stage - by - stage formation of the idea of limits applicability of physical concept, laws and theories for students has been worked out. This article deals with the application of this technique specifically to studying by the students of Technical University at the course of electrostatics within the course of the general physics. This technique explains not only the scope of the concrete law but also gives the analysis of its participation in more exact theories raising the degree of reality of the scientific description of objects and the phenomena. During this pedagogical research it became clear that unlike traditional studying of the principle of compliance as a special physical principle in quantum and relative theories its consecutive application in the system of formation of concepts and laws is possible.

About the authors

Sergey A. Ivanov

Samara State Technical University

(PhD), Associate professor, Dept. General physics and physics of oil and gas production. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya Str., Samara, 443100


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