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In the article the process of teaching professional competencies to ensure safe operation with regard to professional qualifications is analyzed. The components of professional competencies to ensure safe operation, the purpose of which is to exclude erroneous personnel actions are considered. The process of teaching professional competencies is related to the process of professional education. Therefore, during training attention should be paid to the rules and safety requirements. In most accidents are guilt of personal qualities of workers who depend on education. Therefore, teaching safe behavior is directed on the psyche of a student with the intent of developing personal qualities that contribute to safety when performing work. The creation of psychological safety, training and monitoring serve one important purpose of teaching professional competencies to ensure safe operation. To assess the level of professional skills of the learner used a mathematical apparatus that allows you to control the level of professional competence. This mathematical model allows to estimate the level of acquisition and loss of skills on the safety activities of the trainees, allowing timely and qualitatively to develop the measures to reduce erroneous personnel actions.

About the authors

Lуudmila V. Sorokina

Samara State Technical University

(PhD, docent), docent of the pulpit "Safety to vital activity". 244, Molodogvardeiskaya Str., Samara, 443100


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