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The article discusses a relevant problem associated with the lack of the developed basic techniques of formation of professional competencies, which provide the effective work of bachelors. The solution of this problem is related to the development and implementation in the educational process of integrated courses, allowing subjects to strengthen the professional direction, forming a holistic view on the future of students, contributing to the development of systemic thinking, improving the quality of knowledge and general training. The paper analyzes the theoretical and methodological bases of formation of the main professional competencies of bachelors within the profile "Food engineering of small businesses." A new concept of "organoleptic competence" is introduced and such concepts as "competence-activity approach," "technological competence", "technical competence"of a bachelor are developed as well as the model of the formation of the basic professional competences within the course "Sensory evaluation of food products", based on the competence-activity approach. On the basis of the proposed model, a course, contributing to the formation of basic professional competencies was developed and introduced in the process of learning bachelors profile "Food Engineering of Small Enterprises". The research and experimental verification of the effectiveness of the proposed system of formation of basic professional competencies of bachelors within the profile "Food Engineering of Small Enterprises" were conducted, in which the criteria for assessing the level of formation of sensory, technical, technological competencies are the motivational, cognitive, activity-reflective components. Another relevant issue is also highlighted, namely bridging the gap between the competence-activity approach in education which is being introduced and the traditional methods of training of bachelors in Russian higher education institutes.

About the authors

Maria I. Gavrilova

Togliatti State University

aspirant Togliatti State University. 14, Belarusian Str., Togliatti, 445020


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