


The article considers the issues of the necessity of interuniversity, productive cross-disciplinary integration in the activity of institutes of higher education, which handles the problems of university work specialists training quality improvement. The following integration experiences are listed as examples: Syzran branch of Samara State Technical University and Provincial College, which demonstrate the many-level system of technical personnel training; Samara State Technical University and Syzran Higher Military Air Force Pilot School, which determine the integration of highly skilled teaching staff in didactic provision of academic activity; Samara State Technical University and OJSC “Tyazhmash” demonstrating the system of factory order for specialists training and their employment; Syzran Higher Military Air Force Pilot School and Samara State Aerospace University in highly qualified teaching staff training, etc. The cooperation of “Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics” department of Syzran Higher Military Air Force Pilot School with Kazan Air University which gave an option of coaching Candidates of Engineering Science and performing constant exchange of scientific data and new textbooks is shown. The article supplies the results of cooperation of “Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics” department with flying units and Central Sports Club of Air Force in Samara which allowed the revival of helicopter sport and made it possible to train masters of sport and World-class athletes in this Institution of Higher Education. This cooperation made provision for traineeship and flight operation of teaching staff in flying units, created the possibility of didactic inter-provision. Interrelation of disciplines of all-engineering and professional blocks which determine knowledge quality formation and flying personnel training in modern conditions is shown on the example of “Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics” department of Syzran Higher Military Air Force Pilot School. The conclusions about practicability of interuniversity, production and cross-disciplinary contacts and integration potential usage in the creation of a multilevel system of specialists training as well as conclusions about the provision of the high rating of the university activity permitting to gain a new quality of specialists training in educational process and conclusions about the efficiency of university and industry integration are made on the ground of the results of scientific papers and the analysis that has been carried out.


Vladimir Vaulin

Syzran Department of Samara State Technical University

candidate of pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor of engineering disciplines. 45 Sovetskaya Str., Syzran, 446001

Sergei Singeev

Syzran Department of Samara State Technical University

candidate of technical Sciences, Associate Professor, head of chair engineering disciplines. 45 Sovetskaya Str., Syzran, 446001


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版权所有 © Vaulin V.I., Singeev S.A., 2014

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