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The article analyzes the problems of the introduction of new educational standards into the activities of the higher school. Special attention is paid to technical universities designed to train specialists in the priority sectors of the economy. The article discusses the problems of the Federal level, related to the development of standards and their implementation in mass teaching practice: the abundance of graduates ' competences that teachers find it hard to keep in memory and focus on them in pedagogical activity; the mismatch of skills and disciplines within which they should be formed; the complexity of self-determination of academic disciplines of the variable block standard; the lack of convenient methods for the assessment of competencies; an insufficient normative and methodical provision of the implementation of the standards by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation and others. The article also analyzes the problems related to the insufficient preparedness of teachers of technical universities to work in new conditions: to use active and interactive forms of teaching, forming the competence of graduates; to diversify training at the level of bachelor, specialist and master programs; to organize effective independent work of students; to develop methodical maintenance of educational process taking into account the requirements of the standard. In technical universities there often exists a distorted understanding of competencies - only as the ability of graduates to carry out specific professional functions, so understating the importance of humanitarian training. Theoretical statements made by the author, are supported by a study in Russian universities. On the basis of research data and provisions in the conclusion: the successful implementation of competence-oriented education standards is possible provided timely regulatory and scientific-methodical support of relevant innovations from the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, and also requires organizing a large-scale training of the teaching staff of universities, aimed at mastering modern technologies of teaching and assessment methods of development of students ' competencies.

About the authors

Ludmila F. Krasinskaya

Samara State University of Transport

doctor Sc. in Pedagogic, professor, Dept. of Philosophy and History of sciences 18, 1st Bezymyanny lane, Samara, 443066


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