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This article is devoted to the subject of creating an aesthetic culture of students. It broadens scientific ideas on the content and the processing aspects of pedagogical activities directed at the development of a balanced personality.The goal of the present investigation is to determine the means of forming an aesthetic culture of students majoring in natural sciences.The conclusions made in the course of this investigation support the hypothesis that at a university-level English course a foundation can be formed that would allow the instructor to choose the most effective ways of participating in the formation of their aesthetic culture.

About the authors

Ekaterina V. Kosharskaya

Samara State University

Email: luiba@mail.ru
candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, associate professor of the Foreign Languages Department. 1 A, Pavlov str., Samara, 443100


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2014 Kosharskaya E.V.

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