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This article presents a set of general competencies of students-ecologists in the institutions of secondary professional education. the results of research are discussed to determine the efficiency of the developed technology to form general competencies of students - ecologists. The necessity of the organization of the educational process, based on the formation of general, professional competencies of students is proved. An authentic definition of competence is formulated, some of the general competences are singled out, formed as a result of the development of disciplines in the direction "Rational Use of Nature Economic Complexes" educational standard of secondary professional education. The criteria and the diagnostic tools allowing to control the process of formation of the general competences of students are developed. The results of research on the level of formation of understanding of the social importance of the future profession, manifestation of steady interest of students ecologists to it are presented. The educational and methodical course "Fundamentals of Ecology and Environmental Management" aimed at the formation of the general competences of students ecologists of institutions of secondary professional education is offered. The results of pedagogical experiment by determination of the efficiency of the developed technology of formation of the general competences of students-ecologists are considered.

About the authors

Elena Yu Golokhvastova

Тogliatti State University

Email: ya.frolowa@yandex.ru
postgraduate student of department «Pedagogy and methods of teaching». 14, Belorusskaya str., Togliatti, 445667


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Copyright (c) 2014 Golokhvastova E.Y.

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