Presentation as a way of translation skills developing

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Currently, teaching almost every subject is accompanied by the creation of slide presentations, which are considered to be one of the most convenient and intuitive ways to process information. Moreover, this type of activity is also a way of the vocabulary drilling and a form of control of the topic studied in class, thus replacing monological speech on the material involved.The article presents the algorithm of working with the presentation as a way of translation skills formation of students studying at the Institute of Facultative Education of Samara State Technical University. This algorithm was derived from the analysis of presentations done by the students. The paper also provides recommendations for the effective presentations preparation in a foreign language. Such classes proved to be very effective: students do not have any difficulties with the presentation format, as it is discussed and worked out in advance; there is an idea of the most common mistakes in the presenting the information that should be avoided in their own speech, in addition, the audience is provided with a template that contains all the basic elements of the successful presentation. As a result, the students’ presentations are done at an extremely high level, which is one of the aspects of good preparation for the presentation in the final year of their studying.

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Introduction In today's multicultural world, translation is an effective tool for interaction be- tween representatives of different cultures and it performs educational functions, introducing the scientific achievements, since the development of science and its separate areas is a continuous and inevitable phenomenon in the modern, constantly developing world. Due to Russia's integration into the world trade space and a large number of TNCs on the labour market, there has been a significant expansion of intercultural contacts. The dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge re- quires both the development of the translation theory and the training improvement of the professional translators. Mastering a foreign language for a modern specialist is a necessity along with deep knowledge of their major, as it gives good opportuni- ties to get a well-paid job and career growth, and the opportunity to be competitive in the labor market. Technical translation, of course, is one of the most difficult types of transla- tion. It is characterized by a large number of terms and, as a consequence, a special style of presentation, as the subject of translation activity is both understanding the meaning of the oral or written message, and the formation of an adequate statement in the native language [1]. Thus, the higher the level of translation competence formation is, namely, the possession of lexical, grammatical and word-formation minimum, the more accurate is the presentation (translation) of the text. Learning a foreign language is not only the knowledge of the subject itself, but also the development of certain skills and abilities, taught on the basis of linguistic knowledge that are translated from the cognitive to the activity component of pro- fessional training. As D. Vyšniauskienė and J. Lesicka noted, translation is "intelli- gent activity, requiring creative problem solving in a constantly changing text, so- cial and cultural conditions" [2 ; c. 98]. Currently, teaching almost every subject is accompanied by the creation of slide presentations, which are considered to be one of the most convenient and in- tuitive ways to process information. Presentation for a long time is not only a form of conveying material, but it is also used in a variety of activities to check the knowledge or to present an oral ma- terial, prepared by the students. [3 ; c. 55]. A number of disciplines studied by the students of Samara State Technical University at the Institute of Facultative Educa- tion is not an exception. The presentation relevance is due to the number of hours for independent work provided by the curriculum. Presentations in a foreign lan- guage make it interesting to demonstrate difficult topics and they are designed to consolidate or expand the developed information in an accessible form. In addition, this type of activity is also a way of drilling the studied vocabulary and a reporting аform of the topic covered, thus replacing a monological statement on the material acquired. Literature review The term «presentation» is capable of giving butterflies-in-the stomach. This is because while making a presentation we are exposed to our audience’s judgment and this is a frightening thought for most. While experience and command over the subject can make a great deal of improvement to a presentation, a quick reference to the right presentation skills resources can make a great difference [4]. Nowadays, there is a large number of scientific and methodical works, devoted to the presentations classification, their tasks analysis, purposes, and functions [5, 6]. Gubina T. N. highlights the educational aspect of the presentation, that lies in students perception of educational material, understanding of relationships in the studying objects. Developing aspect, the purpose of which is in the development of students cognitive interest, the ability to generalize, analyze, compare, activation of students creative ability. And finally, the educational aspect, that is, the education of the scientific worldview, the ability to clearly organize independent and group work, education of partnership sense, mutual assistance [7; c. 345]. A.V. Murovtsev defines the purpose of any presentation as the influence on the students behavior in order to motivate them to action, that is considered to be the best for the speaker [8]. Skillstudio points out three key objectives that a good presentation should have. They are the following: (1) to establish credibility with the audience; (2) to present information clearly to the audience; and (3) to persuade and/or influence the audience [9]. O.Yu. Popova distinguishes two types of presentations: intracultural for repre- sentatives of one culture and intercultural, for representatives of different cultures [10; c. 166]. A great number of works is devoted to the presentation structure [11-14]. Almost all the authors agree that any presentation can be divided into four main parts: introduction, main part, conclusion, discussion. Each part of the presen- tation has its own characteristics and rules of presentation. Materials and methods The research methodology is based on the thorough analysis of the scientific research results of leading Russian and foreign scientists. It reflects modern ap- proaches to learning in the field of facultative education. As a research material, we selected 37 second year students and analyzed their work. Research results Making the presentation by the students of the Language Training Center is one of the aspects of the final exam. Therefore, it is necessary to get ready for the presentation in advance. We decided to start it from the second year. In the second year our students study the subject called “Translation Tech- niques”. So, we offered some of them to make a presentation called "Choosing Pro- fessional Words". Students of different majors study in one group. While studying Translation Techniques they master the skills necessary for the technical texts translation, tak- ing into account their major, the knowledge of necessary grammar and syntactic structures, as well as lexical units. So each student is to present lexical units of his/her own major for the acquaintance by the rest of the groupmates in the form of a presentation. It’s a well known fact that in technical texts the meaning of the term should be exact, as one and the same word could have different meanings when combining with other words. [15; c. 132] Performing this task, they have the op- portunity to enlarge their vocabulary, as well as to practice to make the presentation and get the opportunity to speak to the public. In order for the students to get ready for this task effectively, we have devel- oped the following algorithm of the lesson, taking into account the low awareness of the ways of presenting the work in English. First, listeners should answer the questions: Have you ever done a presenta- tion?, Have you ever seen a really inspiring presentation?, What is the impression of mixing languages?, How to start and to finish the presentation?, etc. At this stage, all the gaps about the presentation format are clarified and effec- tive methods of presenting information to the audience are developed, and they will help to make the presentation in the future. Some students don’t have the slightest idea of how many slides are allowed to be used in the presentation, what back- ground colors are appropriate, what text should be visible on the slides, etc. At this stage, it is necessary to work out the structure of the presentation properly, to dis- cuss the number of slides (in a training presentation 10 slides are enough), their ap- pearance. To make it easy for perception, the presentation design should be con- sistent, that is, the color of the theme and the slide frame should be the same throughout the presentation. During the presentation, we’ve noted that the differ- ence in the size and color of the main background of the slides leads to the incon- venience of viewing and loss of audience interest. Further, it is necessary to give the students the text, providing them with the most common errors during making the presentation, for example, 3 Presentation Mistakes That Are Making You a Dull Speaker ( dont-be-boring-3-common-presentation-mistakes-that-are-making-you-a-dull-speaker- part-3/). In such texts special attention is paid to the fact that at present almost every person who constantly works on a computer can use Power Point, so the focus of the audience is not on the slide, but on the speaker. That is why it is necessary to com- municate with the public by pronouncing the information, without reading the entire content of the slide (this can be done by everybody independently). Thus, the student receives information about what should not be done while getting ready for the speech. The third stage includes a demonstration of a successful performance: in the form of a video or audio file. Such audio materials can be found in a large number of textbooks. As an example, students were offered to listen to audio files from the textbook Market Leader [16], demonstrating the oral presentation of the company. Such a demonstration allows you to assess the mood of the speaker, the pace of his speech, tone, and make the necessary notes on how to start the presentation and welcome the audience, as well as how to finish it and ask questions. These aspects usually cause the main problems, as it is difficult for students to start and finish speaking a foreign language in a given time interval. If necessary, listening is accompanied by the handout of the speaker's speech. This text is a template for the in- formational presentation that students would like to present to their groupmates. Next stage in the presentation is the translation of separate sentences from Russian into English. As an example, you can take the text "The Art of Presenta- tion. Instructions for Use" (, where the basic techniques for creating an effective presentation are discussed. Groups with a high level of English can read this text in the original, groups with intermediate level migt have some difficulties with the translation of large information seg- ments, so that’s why the text can be adapted by the teacher. Any text involved should contain information on the lexical units used while making the presentation, as well as the most common phrases. The fifth and final stage of the presentation is the preparation of your own oral presentation "Choosing Professional Words", illustrated in the Power Point. You shouldn’t forget to specify the number of slides (no more than 10), the color of the theme (they should not be too bright) and the content of the slides in advance. Since the task is performed at the “Translation Technique” lesson, it is allowed to use language pairs “English - Russian”, i.e. the word is given with the translation. It should be noted that the speech is made in English, taking into account all the elements necessary for any oral presentation: greetings, the use of techniques to attract attention, to establish contact with the audience, the division of information into blocks for successful memorization, discussion and akcnowledgement. Discussion Such format of the lesson proved to be extremely effective: students do not have difficulties with the presentation format, as it is discussed and worked out in advance. There is an idea of the most common mistakes in presenting the infor- mation that should be avoided in their own speech, in addition, students are provid- ed with a template containing all the basic elements of a successful presentation. As a result, the students presentations are made at an extremely high level. In general, the main stages of a successful presentation in a foreign language are the following: easy-to-speak text, making a homogeniuos and interesting presentation, i.e., visual series, as well as subsequent drilling of the text in order to provide fluency of information.

About the authors

Perizat B. Sejtkazy

Eurasia National University named after L.N. Gumilev

Dr. Ped. Sci., Professor of Social Pedagogy and Selfdevelopment Department 2, Satpaeva str., Astana, Kazakhstan Republic, 010008

Amalia L. Kuregyan

Samara State Technical University

Cand. Phil. Sci., Associate Professor of foreign Languages Department. 244, Molodogvardeyskaya str., Samara, Russia, 443010

Ekaterina A. Pertsevaya

Samara State Economic University

Cand. Phil. Sci., Associate Professor of Linguistics and Foreign Business Communication Department 141, Sovetskoy Armii str., Samara, Russia, 443090


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Copyright (c) 2019 Sejtkazy P.B., Kuregyan A.L., Pertsevaya E.A.

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