Formation of literary competence of future bachelors philologists (on the example of the anthology «Russian literature of the XVIII century Reader's memoirs, epistolary materials and articles of literary criticism»)

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This article highlights the formation of literary competence of future bachelors philologists using an anthology of memoirs, epistolary materials, articles of literary criticism of the authors of the XVIII century. The most characteristic cultural, literary and pedagogical principles of the reading and comprehension of the anthology, the contents of which refer to XVIII century of the XVIII century, by the future bachelors philologists are analyzed. The paper is characterized by originality, uniqueness of this publication and the expediency of its use in the educational process . Historical and literary facts and their transformation mechanisms are the basis for the formation of the literary competence in the course of training of bachelors-philologists. Developed by the author of this article the method of improving learning and teaching Russian literature of XVIII century in the high school is effective, as was shown by the experience of many years of experimental work carried out under the natural conditions of the educational process.

About the authors

Oleg M. Buranok

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Doctor of Philology, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Russian and foreign literature and methods of teaching literature. 65/67, M. Gorkiy Str., Samara, 443099


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