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The article is devoted to the problem of using song exercises for ESP students. According to the state educational standards foreign language communicative competence is a situational category, which reflects the ability of the future specialist to use his/her professional, linguistic and communicative skills, professional and personal qualities and international professional communication experience, which helps practical study problems creative solving. Rapid development of scientific, economic and cultural international contacts makes modern teachers take into account challenges of real communication. Besides globalization had a great impact on the English song discourse. Pop music is one of the main sources of the English language spreading. Pop singers are well-known to young people all over the world. We would like to emphasize the importance of this work as song discourse contributes to authentic language environment adaptation, emotional impact, good psychological climate, listening skills development, language environment modeling, sociocultural markers and peculiarities awareness. The conclusions are proved by numerous examples.

About the authors

Tatiana A. Filonenko

Samara State Technical University

(PhD), Associate professor, the department of foreign languages. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya Str., Samara, 443100


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