Problems of studying Russian art culture of XVIII century in humanitarian universities

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The problem of integration and inter-subject relationship in the study of Russian artistic culture of the XVIII century by the example of university courses "History of Russian literature of XVIII century", "The history of vocal art" and elective "Russian artistic culture of the XVIII century" is analyzed. The study of the works of Russian poetry and music of the XVIII century effectively in the context of the phenomena of art culture of the era. The methods and methodology of humanities courses in vocational education aimed at a dialogue of cultures and formation of students' cultural competence. The dialogue of cultures makes the study of Russian art culture of XVIII century (especially literature and music) in the context of world culture. In high school methodology integration of the humanities is important. The formation of cultural competence is correlated with the formation of professional competencies - literary, musical, pedagogical.

About the authors

Irina M. Sigal

Samara State Institute of Culture

PhD, Associate Professor of Vocal Arts. 167, Frunze Str., Samara, 443010

Oleg M. Buranok

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Doctor of Philology, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Russian and foreign literature and methods of teaching literature. 65/67, M. Gorkogo Str., Samara, 443099


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