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In bachelors’ training the essential role is played by Zoological local lore, forming the basic professional , cultural and special competence based on the regional approach, knowledge of the local history, background and rare species bio-ecology and their distribution patterns in a variety of habitats. The significant part is occupied by marine inhabitants - hydrobionts.They can be found in rivers, lakes, ponds and small temporary water bodies in Samara region. They are represented by taxonomic groups: single-celled (protozoan), multicellular (sponges, coelenterates, bryozoans, flat, round, annelids, arthropods and molluscs). The hydrobionts are included in different ecological groups: plankton, benthos, periphyton, pleuston, nekton, neuston. Their inhabitants can be divided by size into nannoplankton, mesoplankton, respectively macroplankton and benthos and periphyton. Food chains and networks in marine environments are widely diversified. The structure consists of plankton organisms that cannot withstand the river course. The Zooplankton is small animals (protozoa - unicellular and colonial, crustaceans and insect larvae). The Benthos - a set of organisms living in the soil and on the bottom. By way of living they can be fixed, mobile and sedentary animals. The Periphyton - bioobrastateli - suvoyki, trumpeters, sponges, bryozoans, and others. Some representatives of the hydrobionts organisms are included in the Red Book of the Samara Region (2009). Many groups are used for bio-indication status of freshwater. The knowledge about the hydrobionts of Samara region is of great theoretical and practical significance. It contributes to the development of value orientations, personal ecological culture and willingness to take environmental actions .

About the authors

Tamara M. Nosova

Volga State Socio-Humanitarian Academy

Email: ssllnn@mail.ru
doctor of pedagogical sciences, candidate of biological sciences, professor of «Zoology and anatomy, physiology, safety of human life» 26, A.-Ovseyenko str., Samara, 443090

Aleksandra M. Kovrigina

Volga State Socio-Humanitarian Academy

Email: ssllnn@mail.ru
candidate of biological sciences, associate professor. 26, A.-Ovseyenko str., Samara, 443090


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2014 Nosova T.M., Kovrigina A.M.

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