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The article submits the analysis of the concepts of “self-determination” in a broad sense as a central mechanism of personality formation and “professional self-determination”, as a personal focused process directed on formation of an individual position towards the professional activity. The characteristics of low, average and high levels of professional self-determination development of students of specialized secondary educational establishment are given in the article. The prevalence of students with an average and low level of development of professional self-determination is noted. The authors allocate the main pedagogical conditions necessary for the successful development of professional self-determination of students. The results of experimental work on the development of the main components of professional self-determination are presented in the article. They are motivation, estimation, knowledge, activity and personality components. There is a change in motivation from external factors of a profession to its intrinsic characteristics in the motivation component. The essential changes in the estimation component of professional self-determination have been shown in the ability of students to adequately analyze and estimate themselves and their future professional activity. The knowledge component has been enriched with the increased awareness of the profession and progress in educational results. The students have shown interest in high-quality performance of the professional tasks and practical training which means the development of the activity component. The personality component has got a positive dynamics in the level of business communication culture, the manifestation of professionally significant qualities of students. The results of the control stage of experimental work show that the number of students in the experimental group with a low level of development of professional self-determination has considerably decreased and the number of students with high level has grown from 8,3% to 33,3% with managers and from 14,4% to 37% with future accountants.

About the authors

Faina V. Povshednaya

K. Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Mininsky University)

Email: pedagogika-ngpu@yandex.ru
doctor of pedagogical sciences, Associated Professor, Dept. General and Social Pedagogics. 1, Ulianov Str., Nizhny Novgorod, 603950

Anna E. Kanakova

Nizhny Novgorod Branch of Moscow University of Economics, Statistics and Information Technologies

Email: kollnkesp@yandex.ru
scientific degree applicant, teacher of secondary professional educational institution. 2а, Kosmonavta Komarova Str., Nizhny Novgorod, 603090


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Copyright (c) 2014 Povshednaya F.V., Kanakova A.E.

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